Antonym: maximal. Similar words: minimum, minimize, ministry, feminist, minister, diminish, examining, administer. Meaning: ['mɪnɪml] adj. the least possible.
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121. It is the best phase for problem-solving, when personal animosities are minimal.
122. Covert sensitization requires no special equipment, involves minimal risk to patients, and can easily be conducted on an outpatient basis.
123. Mining proposals continue to have the prospect of minimal impact on unemployment rates.
124. Nor would the dispute be of any great interest, because the explanatory role allotted to individual autonomy is so minimal.
125. Thermodynamic entropy draws all chemical reactions down to their minimal energy level.
126. Liberal parties were able to make minimal impact on peasant and working-class constituents.
127. An accompanying booklet gives advice on timber selection, and how timber can be harvested locally at minimal cost.
128. Both interventions involved minimal, project oriented teacher training and were circumscribed, involving three to five hours' delivery time overall.
129. Some of the incipient school-to-work systems I visited had made only minimal changes to the school program.
130. Quite often this includes drill with minimal pairs, sets of words which differ from each other in just one phonemic contrast.
131. Or are you an Audrey, eager to walk up the aisle in a chic, minimal gown with Hepburnesque flair?
132. You can even have your phone answered for a minimal charge.
133. Nor can the often minimal presence of women in the politics and elected assemblies of the Western democracies.
134. A new political atmosphere was created where minimal government, budget-cutting and low taxation had become the norm.
135. In general, he works on the principle of minimal effort to achieve the required objectives in terms of both speed and quality.
135. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
136. Most basic of all are lexical units which become operative in minimal, or neutral, contexts.
137. There is also a third tier of parish councils, with minimal powers.
138. As John remarks, a healthy, biologically balanced environment should require minimal maintenance and effort.
139. Some minimal level of compliance with societal expectations is, in other words, built into the profit goal.
140. Democrats charge that the savings to the consumer, if any actually materialize, will be minimal.
141. It had minimal busted furniture, yellow walls and a gas fire.
142. I ask Ron what level of salary he would need to live at a minimal comfort level in San Francisco.
143. Other terms used for this collection of symptoms are minimal brain dysfunction and attention deficit disorder.
144. When the horse is resting, this heat production is minimal because the muscle cells are fairly inactive.
145. He gained only minimal official recognition for his work; death prevented his election to the Royal Society.
146. Peasants with a minimal surplus of food could barter it for vital equipment.
147. Minimal displays of aggression towards us are usually best ignored.
148. Young Joe possessed minimal athletic ability and was developing into an overweight child.
149. A minimal degree of integration is therefore a functional prerequisite of society.
150. Most live with only minimal sanitary, health and educational facilities.
More similar words: minimum, minimize, ministry, feminist, minister, diminish, examining, administer, administrator, administrative, administration, mall, male, small, formal, female, normally, dismal, informal, image, imagery, primary, climate, intimate, estimate, ultimate, malfunction, primarily, estimated, legitimate.