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Measuring in a sentence

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Sentence count:265+5Posted:2017-05-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reassuringreassuringlymeasuremeasuredmeasure upmeasure outmeasurablemeasure up toMeaning: ['meʒərɪŋ]  n. the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule. 
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91 We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
92 This is important because many devices for measuring low flow speeds in turn require calibration.
93 The highly sophisticated broadcasting industry offers an object lesson in the inadequacy of current standards of measuring public behavior.
94 In addition, this evaluation procedure is concerned with measuring output in terms of pre-specified goals and no attention is paid to unexpected effects.
95 Typically a test might consist of measuring how many symbols could be copied in 2 minutes.
96 And setting targets and measuring sticks to evaluate projects would definitely increase efficiency if done properly.
97 It was of square plan, each side measuring over 350 feet and completely enclosed by stoas.
98 Measuring current with light Another area of activity for King's is in fibre optics.
99 Willie craned his head over the counter and watched him measuring and cutting two rolls of grey and navy flannel.
100 I suspected that measuring microclimate in two months wasn't going to be long enough.
101 They worked fast, connecting tubes, hooking up monitors,( measuring blood pressure.
102 Real time ultrasound is a simple method of measuring gastric emptying which has been validated by previous studies.
103 Mix in the orange juice to bind. Roll out the pastry to an oblong measuring 8 x 12 inch.
104 Some ways of setting baselines and measuring behaviour were discussed inPart 2.
105 Surgeons use a laser with a beam measuring less than the width of a human hair.
106 The strategy is innate, though the program must include steps for measuring the relevant variables when necessary.
107 You will also need a measuring cup, a teaspoon,( and a tablespoon.
108 Pancreatic mass can be assessed by measuring wet weight, nucleic acid contents, and protein contents.
109 Ms. Johnson spent four hours measuring and diagramming every room in the 80-year-old house.
110 A significant trend is taking place from measuring practitioners' competence and activity to measuring health outcomes in populations.
111 This means finding alternative routes to success, and it means measuring and treasuring success in small amounts.
112 A calorimeter is an insulated vessel used for measuring the quantity of energy released or absorbed during a chemical or physical change.
113 Gilligan combines a traditional method of measuring moral reasoning, through standardized dilemmas, with interviews.
114 Both, in their different ways, were measuring the distance between themselves and others.
115 As they devise the measures and control the measuring devices, only they understand the significance of what they do.
116 The failure of studies to show this clearly is probably related to the technical difficulties involved in measuring meal stimulated acid secretion.
117 Carefully leaving behind any dirt that has settled, pour water through fine-mesh strainer into 4-cup liquid measuring cup.
118 The product is usually packed in plastic lidded tubs, 10-20 kilos, in which a measuring scoop is provided.
119 The weight of the badge became a timepiece, measuring a basic cycle.
120 He advocated the use of an industrial measuring projector for this purpose.
More similar words: reassuringreassuringlymeasuremeasuredmeasure upmeasure outmeasurablemeasure up tomeasurementimmeasurabledesperate measureweights and measuresassuringpleasure principletreasurytreasurepleasuretreasurerdispleasurepleasurabletreasury bondtreasury billtake pleasure inpouringduringtouringalluringscouringmeanderingdevouring
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