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Managerial in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+7Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: managerassistant managermanagemanagedmanagementmanageablemenageriemanagement systemMeaning: adj. of or relating to the function or responsibility or activity of management. 
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(31) All the best traditional managerial approaches are principle based.
(32) Balancing the budget dominated managerial agendas in practice.
(33) A considerable injection of resources will be required to provide the managerial and technological expertise called for in the White Paper.
(34) There is, therefore, a preponderance of lower paid posts, and a lack of professional and managerial posts.
(35) What we need is managerial hierarchy that understands its own nature and purpose.
(36) The managerial labour market thus has both an internal and an external dimension.
(37) The Bush team's depth of managerial expertise has been rightly praised.
(38) The research, therefore[], studies the implications of these trends for individuals and their families within selected professional and managerial occupations.
(39) Densan tended initially to limit managerial discretion much more and thus seemed to offer a better alternative for labour.
(40) Alan Milburn smart young executive seeking managerial post in progressive company.
(41) Most military jobs are essentially desk-bound and technical, clerical, or managerial in nature.
(42) Mr Kasyanov, a deputy prime minister in the outgoing government, is urbane, polished and managerial.
(43) They became anxious and returned again to their preconceptions about the managerial role: they were supposed to be experts at everything.
(44) At a deeper level, the problem is far more than a kind of glorified managerial challenge.
(45) Knowledge of their applications is vital to upgrade managerial skills and to enhance advancement opportunities.
(46) CatleyCarlson said Pike had signed documents agreeing not to reinsert himself into the project in any managerial capacity.
(47) None the less, the concepts are powerful and provide a way into understanding the more detailed managerial explanations that follow later.
(48) These pressures were built into the managerial job and could exhaust and paralyze if not confronted.
(49) But as we will see, the superiors' point of view about the managerial role also reflected their biases.
(50) Nor is there much evidence pointing to their general education as the origin of their vision and managerial skill.
(51) The managerial emolument and incentives discussion in section 3.3 starts in general terms and then moves to questions of alternative institutional structures.
(52) Strikes, in other words, represent a challenge to managerial authority.
(53) I introduced above the idea of a managerial labour market in the context of the salary package setting procedure.
(54) In the years to come they had much to learn about themselves; their managerial identity was just beginning to take hold.
(55) Space programmes also highlight contrasts in administrative and managerial elites.
(56) Role Strain A number of sources of role strain are built into the managerial role: overload, ambiguity, and conflict.
(57) This approach can only be created on the basis of managerial trust in the professional skills and attitudes of teachers.
(58) In time, they realized that the culprit was just managerial work.
(59) The first real managerial position might be as project manager, programming supervisor, systems supervisor, or software manager.
(60) They had to achieve managerial recognition that accountability to colleagues in the team was important alongside accountability to individual agencies.
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