Synonym: place, settle, site, situate, turn up. Similar words: location, advocate, local, educate, delicate, dedicate, indicate, category. Meaning: ['ləʊkeɪt /ləʊ'keɪt]
v. 1. discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining 2. determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey 3. assign a location to 4. take up residence and become established.
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31 Attempts to locate Hoster Monday night were unsuccessful.
32 All attempts to locate the missing climbers have failed.
33 No-one was able to locate even a distant relative.
34 First locate the area where you can go rabbiting.
35 I turned to locate the source of the voice.
36 Church augmented his tagging program to locate noun phrases.
37 Androids have been sent to locate her.
38 Whales use low-frequency calls to locate each other.
39 That truck driver tried to kill us - and he knew where to locate us exactly.
40 They locate the various strands in feminist thinking, and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them.
41 Bruce had a simple pendulum of the kind people employ to locate water, and which he used for diagnosis.
42 Locate the file you want to open every time you click this image and click OK.
43 However, human urine would contain hormones that are similar to organic chemicals that sharks use to locate their prey.
44 A scholar or a particular work by a scholar may locate him / her in larger circles of shared collective life.
45 He did locate the apple orchard from which Liebermann had composed a large picture, and he made a sketch of it.
46 Your only interest in life is to gather information that will locate.
47 Second, it reduced perceptions of risk, reinforcing executives' decisions to locate in the area.
48 The Department of Transport failed in its legal duty to locate each individual owner in order to serve compulsory purchase orders.
48 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
49 You can then go through the filing cabinets to locate the files that have not been stamped within a given period.
50 The Colonel peered from side to side trying to locate the heckler.
51 He says, First locate where the person died, get the death certificate, and then find the notary.
52 It is therefore necessary to locate as best we can the final resting place or incidence of the major types of taxes.
53 If we find them, we can start putting on the pressure to locate the ship.
54 On a continuum of possible policy outcomes, locate the preferred policy decision of each group. 3.
55 To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
56 The balloon's been stolen, and 10 crates of lager are being offered to anyone who helps locate it.
57 The Soviets today have the capability to intercept and locate the sources of United States communications frequencies.
58 Sanchez Ortega said that this point he wandered off first to locate a restroom, then to buy some snacks.
59 Ordinarily it is not worth the time and trouble to locate the incident.
60 Clearly post-industrial writers locate the dynamic of this new economic phase within the latest post-industrial sequence; it is an internal characteristic.
More similar words: location, advocate, local, educate, delicate, dedicate, indicate, category, truncated, complicated, communicate, sophisticated, communicate with, block, vocal, so-called, cocaine, catch, cattle, catalog, scatter, educator, catches, catch on, Catholic, education, indicator, catch fire, educational, medication.