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Korea in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+7Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Koreankorean warforearmarborealcorporealincorporealneck or nothingby hook or by crookMeaning: n. an Asian peninsula (off Manchuria) separating the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan; the Korean name is Dae-Han-Min-Gook or Han-Gook. 
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151. Chinese female nose with exquisitely carved, decorous moderate of arris , nose wing is the United States, still differ somewhat with the appearance feature of Korea female.
152. Chinese now ask whether Beijing underestimates the costs of a nuclear-armed North Korea and being the largest backer of the Kim regime.
153. However, it is not only the one sided flexibility, the "military adventurism" must be left behind at first by the North Korea.
154. This is just one of the heartbreaking sights captured on film by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) as they traveled around North Korea last month delivering aid to the most needy.
155. Korean Red Cross plans to "Gyeongui line" and "East Sea Line" to provide relief goods to North Korea by land.
156. Our products have been sold throughout our country and gone abroad like Vietnam, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Australia, Kazakstan and so on.
157. Of course, the political environment may change if North Korea continues to act belligerently or if China proves to be a real threat, as Japanese hawks fear.
158. Korea, as chair, along with Canada, which heads the G8, will play an instrumental role in helping shape the institutions and responsibilities that will determine how the G20 operates and to what end.
159. Suddenly a large number of foreign exchange inflowing into South Korea inevitably promotes the exchange rate of Won against the dollar.
160. To this, the network that I can say Korea only swims fabricant and operation business and even net swim management department still has moral very much.
161. The answer is simple: We will hold North Korea accountable.
162. Yi Hwang in Korea not only inherited and developed the ideology of respectfulness but also made his philosophy into a system based on the i.
163. Two Australians and a New Zealander were reportedly among the dead, and the wounded included 18 other foreign nationals from the US, Australia, Canada, India, the Netherlands, Norway and South Korea.
164. The border between China and Korea has been formally delimited.
165. Meanwhile, journal editors complained about authors' names from China and South Korea which bear no relation to the scientists who actually did the research.
166. Play online games frequently out garbled Korea, himself wrote a months use.
167. Her chum said that South Korea is a scary place.
168. PYONGYANG, March 8 (Itar-Tass) - Citizens of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea go to the polls today to elect deputies to the country's one-chamber Supreme People's Assembly.
169. An announcement by the ruling Workers' Party of Korea says it hopes to make "great changes" as it marks its 65th anniversary this year.
170. South Korea banned U.S. beef in 2003 due to concerns about mad cow disease.
171. A large number of spot: 1 CM batten Korea, Mongolia Black Blocks, Slabs.
172. The draft resolution called for the dissolution of the United Nations Command in Korea.
173. 25th Jun 1999 Australia Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Cameroon, Chile, Finland, Ghana, Haiti, Japan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Syrian Arab Republic, United States of America.
174. Even a nation bankrupt has happened to Iceland, while Pakistan, Korea and other countries are all between the beetle and the block.
175. All banking charges outside Korea and reimbursing are for account of beneficiary.
176. South Korea said on Monday it would reemploy a short-selling ban after the country's benchmark index fell nearly 10% in intraday trading.
177. Borders the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea.
178. North Korea will be included in the U.S. state sponsors of terrorism blacklist and impose sanctions.
179. China and South Korea are at odds over a part of the East China sea.
180. The 12-month forward price/earnings ratio on the MSCI Japan stood at 21.6 as of November, twice as high as the 10.8 forward p/e ratio on the MSCI South Korea, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
More similar words: Koreankorean warforearmarborealcorporealincorporealneck or nothingby hook or by crookyorecorewhoreboresoresnoreloremoreforegobeforeshoreforeseeignoreboredforestadorescoremoresstoreforetoldsorelyfurore
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