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Before in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+59 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earlierformerlyin advancepreviouslypriorAntonym: afterbehindSimilar words: come beforelong beforebefore longbe full ofbe familiar withcare forreformdie forMeaning: [bɪfɔː]  adv. 1. earlier in time; previously 2. at or in the front. 
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1, The golden age is before us, not behind us. 
2, Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs. 
3, Count not your chickens before they are hatched. 
4, The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 
5, Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after. 
6, Don't try to walk before you can crawl. 
7, Coming events cast their shadows before them. 
8, Hear twice before you speak once. 
9, Never cast your pearls before swine. 
10, Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. 
11, Don't try to run before you can walk. 
12, All things are difficult before they are easy. Thomas Fuller 
13, Cowards die often [many times] before their deaths. 
14, Turn your tongue seven times before speaking. 
15, Learn to say before you sing. 
16, Before gold(, even kings takes off their hats. 
17, Measure thrice before you cut once. 
18, Do not praise a day before sunset. 
19, Don't cast your pearls before swine. 
20, Never put the plow before the oxen. 
21, Don’t put the cart before the horse. 
22, Learn to creep before you leap. 
23, Don't cry out before you are hurt. 
24, Before gold,[] even kings take off their hats. 
25, Cowards may die many times before their death. 
26, Cast not your pearls before swine. 
27, Call no man happy before he is dead. 
28, The darkest hour is just before the dawn. 
29, Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 
30, Learn to walk before you run. 
More similar words: come beforelong beforebefore longbe full ofbe familiar withcare forreformdie forcome forsave fortake formake forcome forthsettle formorecorestruggle forforestscorecompensate forfor everKoreanor elseany moreno morein exchange forforeheadexplorerestoreall the more
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