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Iris in a sentence

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Sentence count:170+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: flagfleur-de-lisiris diaphragmsword lilySimilar words: IrishdeliriousriseriskcrispriskyarisefriskMeaning: ['aɪərɪs]  n. 1. plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals 2. muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil; it forms the colored portion of the eye 3. diaphragm consisting of thin overlapping plates that can be adjusted to change the diameter of a central opening. 
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1. "He went back to the lab", Iris exclaimed impatiently.
2. Iris lay gloomily on her bed contemplating the future.
3. Iris excused herself with humble words.
4. Iris Murdoch was regarded by many as a supremely good and serious writer.
5. Contained within the iris are thousands of nerve filaments.
6. Iris will be grateful I got you settled in.
7. He'd sent her Iris Murdoch's latest novel.
8. The marble iris stood peacefully on a low shelf.
9. Iris passed a hand over her forehead.
10. Iris borrowed beds from friends and turned the attic into an impromptu dormitory.
11. The school board and Superintendent Iris Metts requested a $ 1.1 billion budget.
12. His patchy mongrel pants like an iris where shamrock fans forget to blur. Hot breath of August.
13. Iris came aboard with him[], wearing a long dress and in full warpaint.
14. His patchy mongrel pants like an iris where shamrock fans forget to blur.
15. There was a tap on the window as Iris passed on her way to the front door of Hawthorn Cottage.
16. An all-white spring garden of azaleas, tulips and iris can be soothing.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. A useful group of iris with clumps of grassy foliage.
18. Iris is totally dependent on Donald who retired early to care for his wife.
19. John heard Cissie Iris, the elder girl, singing a song with the principal boy from the circle during the show.
20. Being a bearded iris, I. pallida needs full light and dryish, or at least free-draining soil.
21. Iris is off somewhere or other for the next few days.
22. If Iris had not brought me biscuits and milk, I would have eaten nothing.
23. How typical of Iris to think of such a detail at a time like this.
24. The iris reacts quickly to changes in light levels, dilating or contracting, enlarging or decreasing the size of the pupil.
25. Iris was discoursing with animation, her hands describing sweeping patterns in the air, her whole attention focused on her subject.
26. But it can be made to bulge and glitter with a maestro behind the iris.
27. One of the few occasions, it appeared, when Dame Iris had met her match.
28. Anita Brookner began her career as a novelist some two decades later than Iris Murdoch.
29. The pupil is very large and only a portion of the iris is present, so the eye appears dark in colour.
30. As I slid into my seat next to Polly, it seemed to me that Iris looked at me strangely.
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