Similar words: cabal, cabalistic, have a ball, hullabaloo, balance, balanced, balance of, balaclava. Meaning: [kə'bɑːlə]
n. 1. an esoteric or occult matter resembling the Kabbalah that is traditionally secret 2. an esoteric theosophy of rabbinical origin based on the Hebrew scriptures and developed between the 7th and 18th centuries.
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1. No doubt he was studying the Cabala in his dreams.
2. Except for that crown and mystical cabala.
3. The theological speculations of Gnosticism and the Cabala gave ideas for many of his plots.
4. Waving from the red-carpeted steps of the Grand Palais were your Hankses and Diazes, your Brad Pitts and Mike Myerses — enough representatives of the rich and famous to fill a Cabala convention.
5. Shortly before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 Pico della Mirandola in Florence conceived a Christian version of the Cabala .
6. The Oro Verde cooperative exports 10 times as much top-rate coffee as it did in 2000 and nearly 100 times as much cocoa, says manager Hiderico Bocangel Cabala.
More similar words: cabal, cabalistic, have a ball, hullabaloo, balance, balanced, balance of, balaclava, on balance, balance sheet, debit balance, trial balance, credit balance, balance of trade, balance of power, hang in the balance, balance of payments, cab, abash, aback, abase, abate, scab, abashed, abandon, abacus, cable, cabin, a bad egg, abandoned.