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Intertwined in a sentence

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Sentence count:83+2Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intertwinewinteryinternecineintercontinentalinterpreterdeterminedentertainpart withMeaning: adj. twined or twisted together. 
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61) The research mission of the Department–which is to create knowledge, technologies and ideas through fundamental research and its application–is closely intertwined with its educational mission.
62) The English Patient, as Ondaatje s most acknowledged fictional work to date, is characterized by intertwined themes.
63) Like it or not, child-rearing is inextricably intertwined with our nation's future.
64) Through an autobiographic writing, I have intertwined two clues of subjective feelings and objective reasoning.
64) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
65) A complex, ornate design of intertwined floral, foliate, and geometric figures.
66) Results The musculoaponeurotic layer of the nose consists of intertwined fibrous and muscular tissue.
67) Peer pressure and self-induced pressure are also intertwined, and they begin almost at the beginning of freshman year.
68) But this policy threatens to flip the country's economy into a vicious circle in which intertwined wage and price increases set off an uncontrollable inflationary spiral.
69) His symbols are the healing hands and the Caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes, which can be seen on the signs of pharmacies and hospitals.
70) The interests of Hong Kong and the Mainland are intricately linked and intertwined.
71) And because advertisements are slickly intertwined with the apps —they often use the exact same font and graphics —it's easy to inadvertently click one by mistake.
72) Allow any part of the subtle bodies that is twisted to untwist and separate from any other that one is intertwined with.
73) These differences and compromise is the freedom of the seas with the colony and the two issues intertwined.
74) Procedural code, with its many and intertwined interfaces, is inappropriate for the SCRUM methodology.
75) A third is the fact that the Church of England, alone of the Communion, is an established church, its practices and values intertwined with the state and nation it serves.
76) His family history and his life's work are intertwined with the history and culture of Valdobbiadene, the region of the Veneto that produces Prosecco.
77) The youth graduate from university into the real world, where relationships between people are complexly intertwined.
78) The interests of Hong Kong and the Motherland are intricately linked and intertwined.
79) If one day we meet again, all will be cast into the shade brain repeatedly intertwined you just give it a little happiness.
80) Paper is a specially processed by the extremely thin small fibers intertwined with each other firmly by the formation of thin-fiber thin-film material.
81) This beautiful wall cross filigree style hearts intertwined in the shape of a cross.
82) As the fields collapsed through the loss of information, one became intertwined .
83) Cartier creates the Trinity Ring—intertwined hoops in pink gold (love), white gold (friendship), and yellow gold (fidelity)—for Jean Cocteau, who gives one to his lover, poet Raymond Radiguet.
More similar words: intertwinewinteryinternecineintercontinentalinterpreterdeterminedentertainpart withundeterminedpainterin termsinterimintercomentertainingintervalsprintersplinterinternalInternetintermitinterestinteractinteriorenter intointercityintercedeinterceptinterludein terms ofinterface
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