Synonym: interpretive program, representative, spokesperson, translator, voice. Similar words: interpret, interpretation, enterprise, free enterprise, interplay, interpersonal, counterpoint, counterpart. Meaning: [ɪn'tɜrprɪtə(r) /-'tɜːp-] n. 1. someone who mediates between speakers of different languages 2. someone who uses art to represent something 3. an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose 4. (computer science) a program that translates and executes source language statements one line at a time.
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151. A military interpreter before he switched to journalism, he was streetwise; a Shiite who lived in a Sunni neighbourhood; a survivor.
152. It points out that the main cause of pragmatic failure is that in the course of communication either the utterer or the interpreter fails to adapt language to communicative context.
153. The Lang Wenci of latest edition also collected this statement in allusion, the interpreter has into Chinese " chaffy dish " meaning.
154. To find out more about how to use a dictionary in Python, you can use the built-in help interpreter to learn about the dict class, as shown in Listing 2.
155. These two variables are only defined if the interpreter is in interactive mode.
156. This paper introduces a method of using the BASIC Language interpreter of DJS-131 to DJS-130 . It offers some new functions, in addition to all original features which are kept.
157. I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year Major Birse.
158. It shows how to use the open source GAWK interpreter to write and execute AWK programs so that you can search and manipulate your data in various ways.
159. The key advantage here is that the same object code can be executed on any hardware platform that supports the abstract machine (the interpreter).
160. When Bethune looked inquiringly at Tung, the interpreter stepped forward.
161. GOTO Directs the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch program.
162. A tiny scalable script interpreter targets at the MCU based measurement device is proposed.
163. Third, with the syntax tree gone, the interpreter no longer needs to propagate execution state between syntax tree nodes.
164. The result obtained by smoothing contours is inevitably biased by the interpreter.
165. Guy Steele, who had access to an 1130 at Boston's Latin (high) school, wrote a LISP interpreter that we can still use today.
166. SquirrelFish differs from the previous implementation of the interpreter in that it uses a bytecode based strategy rather than syntax tree-walking interpretation.
167. The Lisp compiler or interpreter can translate certain forms of recursion to iteration, allowing a simpler, cleaner way to work with recursive data structures, such as trees.
168. This type of low level tracing information is helpful to the developers of the Ruby interpreter and, to a certain degree,[] the Rails core team.
169. If an exception is thrown by the JS interpreter, the message will typically be extremely cryptic due to the nature of JS minification.
170. Farrell's interpreter and a British commando were killed in the rescue operation.
171. "When it happened, I just thought it was the rain," Batiste said through sign language interpreter Phyllis St. Cyr.
172. Start the scala interpreter by typing scala and the return key on your command line.
173. The test sequence command interpreter also logs the response to each command for subsequent analysis.
174. The interpreter you said would be at air port is a males or female?
175. VxWorks contains a C language interpreter intended to allow developers to type in C expressions and functions to be executed on the fly during system debugging.
176. The Wisconsin Supreme Court's Director of State Courts Office established a Court Interpreter Program six years ago, which has overseen certification of interpreters throughout the state.
177. Therefore the interpreter should strive to understand the background knowledge of the objective language in order to interpret the article exactly.
178. The text is severed from its past and the interpreter stands at the far end of a yawning chasm with only the text in hand.
179. The interpreter is the symbol's pragmatic dimension, while the designatum its semantic dimension, and, as a whole,[sentence dictionary] the two dimensions play together as the 'meaning' of the symbol.
180. A tiny scalable script interpreter that targets at the MCU based measurement device is proposed.
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