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Humorous in a sentence

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Sentence count:151+5Posted:2016-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: humourousSimilar words: humormalodoroustumorrumormorosethoroughthoroughlyonerousMeaning: ['hjuːmərəs]  adj. full of or characterized by humor. 
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121 Based on personal diaries, Behind The Rock is a humorous and honest account of life in the Australian rock'n'roll scene from its birth in 1956 to the mid-sixties (and Beyond).
122 To make your acceptance speech memorable, use a brief but touching or humorous anecdote—from the project you are nominated for, the people you worked with, or about some little-known fact.
123 Werner's graphics take us into a world of poetry and ideas which through its narrative expression conveys a humorous and often critical message.
124 You may be able to key off something said by the introducer or open your presentation with a humorous story or anecdote that relates to the context of the meeting.
125 The John Harvard statue in Harvard Yard is a frequent target of pranks, hacks, and humorous decorations, such as the colorful lei shown above.
126 Search for "President" and you'll find yourself watching a humorous animated pop-up book that catalogs George W.
127 But then in a glorious show of one-upmanship, another bridesmaid grabs the microphone and delivers a moving monologue peppered with humorous anecdotes and spiritually uplifting Thai proverbs.
128 The Canadian Brass are known for a version that is both jazzy and darkly humorous.
129 There was, they felt,( one very humorous incident on the way.
130 Hundreds of these were produced, but the Luttrell Psalter is remarkable for its whimsical, humorous and vivid pictures of rural life and a demonic world that is terrifying and grotesque.
131 It doesn't have to be stiff or formal — in fact, hacker culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision.
132 An indirect expression can make speaking more humorous and charming, language more vivid and works full of artistic effects and great power; from them we can gain a good deal of enlightenment.
133 Offenbach is a famous operetta master, and was the creator of operetta, a humorous, conventional, and unique entertaining means.
134 But Rancho did not go with the stream, he influenced other people by his kindness, broad-minded, humorous, wisdom.
135 Therefore, it has many rhetoric functions: being humorous, sarcastic and euphemistic, mediating conflict and enlightening imagination.
136 In 2008, Gecko Theater re-adapted Gogol's Overcoat in a vivid and humorous way. Overcoat took the stage of Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2009 and was highly praised by audience and critics.
136 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
137 Viewing the hoopla over him with humorous detachment, he variously referred to himself as the Jewish saint or artist's model.
138 Humorous songs and an out-of-control word machine add to the fun.
139 With its humorous language and wonderful characterization, this book won the author the Somerset Maugham Award in 1961 and established his fame as"a portrayer of street life".
140 She is very critical of Fleur's pretentiousness , calls her Phlegm, and does a humorous imitation of her mannerisms (HBP5).
141 There are humorous poems, joking commentaries on the news, and satirical observations of fellow townspeople.
142 In the meanwhile Hurstwood encountered a humorous item concerning a stranger who had arrived in the city and became entangled with a bunco- steerer .
143 Part three discusses the comedic style of Lodge's novels through the carnival humorous irony, the vulgarization of elegance and coincidence.
144 Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse , often of a humorous or burlesque nature.
145 Zhou, as always, was electric , quick , taut , deft, humorous.
146 Thereupon the boy starts laughing at changing , becoming that angulus oris that the girl is fond of to be concerned about a dirty trick , be cynical or humorous.
147 CCTV sports commentator Han Qiaosheng, nicknamed "Big Mouth Han" by sports fans for his humorous sayings, will make his screen debut in a movie to be released next year.
148 This is a humorous pun, or play on words for hilarious effect.
149 Mail a smile to a friend by sending a humorous greeting card.
150 Each had a different way, humorous or philosophic , contemptuous, sour, or sly, of showing this resentment.
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