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Honorary in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+4Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: honorabletemporarycontemporaryhonorhonourlibrarydishonorliteraryMeaning: ['ɑnərərɪ /'ɒn-]  adj. given as an honor without the normal duties. 
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91 The university awarded him an honorary degree.
92 The club made me an honorary Rotarian.
93 This position in our village is mostly honorary.
93 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
94 The honorary or titular head of a university.
95 She becomes an honorary member of the baseball team.
96 Prussia made him an honorary citizen.
97 Can they become an honorary Rotary club?
98 The college gave the ambassador an honorary degree.
99 Argyll County Military Academy Honorary Colonel Clive?
100 He also received honorary knighthood in England in 1998.
101 Oxford University awarded him an honorary Masters in 1755.
102 Honorary degree Ministry of Education not approbatory.
103 Arbitration Commission has one honorary Chairman and several advisers.
104 He received an honorary degree and numerous tributes.
105 I've visited Brazil many times, and on my last trip I convinced myself that I was an honorary Carioca(, a true Rio native.
106 Guangdong Province, Jin - guo and civilized demonstration Kong and other honorary titles.
107 Sidney Poitier (pictured here with his honorary Oscar in 2002) was the first black man to receive an Oscar for best actor.
108 He is the recipient of the 1995/6 Wolf Foundation Prize for Music and an Honorary Citizen of Tel-Aviv-Yafo.
109 His Royal Highness has been made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in recognition of his work in this field.
110 He had never been a medical student, yet he was given one of those rare honorary degrees of Doctor of Science.
111 In recognition of his original contributions to that dialogue, the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology has awarded him an honorary doctorate.
112 Occidental has offered Mr. Obama an honorary degree, says Mr. Veitch.
113 But all my work was honorary. How should I earn my living?
114 Denmark (an honorary member of the euro zone, with its krone firmly pegged to the single currency) recently became the first EU state to enter a formal recession, thanks in part to a housing bust.
115 In 1852 Hanover College in Indiana made Maria an honorary Doctor of Laws, the first woman in the United States to receive an honorary degree.
116 Yin - century China and woodworking machinery industry advanced enterprises trophy and the honorary title.
117 He was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws and appointed a Life Member of the Council of the University as well as Permanent Trustee of United College.
118 An honorary doctorate of law was conferred on him by Newcastle University in 1976.
119 Do you really need the honorary justice league of American membership Card?
120 He received an honorary doctor of science degree from Purdue University in 2003 (to add to his 1969 Ph.
More similar words: honorabletemporarycontemporaryhonorhonourlibrarydishonorliterarycontrarydishonoursiphon offarbitrarytemporarilysupernumeraryto the contraryon the contrarymonotonouslymonotonousrareagrarianregistrarterrariumhoneyphonephonyhonestcatch onhonestlytouch onmarathon
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