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Heroic in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+11Posted:2017-02-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: boldbravechivalrouscourageousgallantstalwartvaliantSimilar words: asteroidvoicestoicchoicerejoiceadroitbroilerembroilMeaning: [hɪ'rəʊɪk]  n. a verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter. adj. 1. very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale) 2. relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity 3. having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes 4. of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope 5. showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort. 
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121. Performers can fully demonstrate their valor and heroic spirit.
122. Their dogged single-mindedness is almost heroic.
123. We'll never call that a heroic deed.
124. They really are strong, heroic men, she thought admiringly.
125. To the time of 1911 Revolution of China, patriots in Hunan and Hubei related closely, cooperated to unite, supported mutually, and composed the magnificent heroic poem.
126. Without his heroic efforts, his wounded commander would not have been moved safely out of the kill zone to the casualty collection point.
127. After the ship sinks, Ishmael is saved by the engraved coffin made by his close friend, the heroic tattooed harpooner and Polynesian prince Queequeg.
128. Homer's Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry.
129. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.
130. Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other.
131. The doors in Heroic Magister's Terrace will no longer respawn after a soft reset if a boss has already been killed.
132. "The girls are being blamed," noted Amie Kandeh, a heroic American-educated Sierra Leonean who runs women's programs here for the International Rescue Committee (
133. Defeat the Devourer of Souls in The Forge of Souls on Heroic Difficulty after having interrupted his big nuke.
134. Americans remember the Alamo as a heroic episode, though the war for Texas was a land grab by gringo interlopers.
135. To eliminate the need for heroic final cleanups, it is expected that the degree of purity of intermediates will increase progressively(, form the first intermediate on to drug substance itself.
136. Such men are not only true patriots, but are irrefragable proofs that the Chinese are capable of being stirred to the most heroic exertions in following public-spirited leaders.
137. The Tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines.
138. The story of Jimmy Mitchell, a man whose selfless act proved heroic, grows even more touching with the response of the citizens of Wabash to his disability.
139. Immense but heroic defiance, for the old faubourg is a hero.
140. He opted to play a heroic fighter pilot in the surefire blockbuster Independence Day ( 1996 ).
141. Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.
142. He was neither heroic nor villainous, he was simply excellent.
143. Once entering heroic, and every time u get out of combat in heroic, addon will check and equip proper tabard.
143. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
144. Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry.
145. I did not discover that Hamlet had his self-possession from no schooling but from indifference and passion conquering sweetness, and that less heroic minds can but hope it from old age.
146. And the men in Blue were moving towards Fredericksburg, where thousands would soon lie by a stone wall in heroic and sometimes miserable death.
147. Explanation: This gorgeous skyscape spans some 10 degrees across the heroic constellation Perseus , about the size of a generous binocular field of view.
148. From Calvino's criticism emerge many of the themes that are woven into his own work: the image of the city, cybernetics, myth and folktale, the heroic journey.
149. Historical narrative painting includes Classical mythology and heroic legend, as well as the representation of contemporary events.
150. Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.
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