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Hebrew in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+3Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: brewbear the brunt ofbrewingzebradebrisdebriefeyebrowcrewMeaning: ['hiːbruː]  n. 1. the ancient Canaanitic language of the Hebrews that has been revived as the official language of Israel 2. a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties. adj. 1. of or relating to or characteristic of the Hebrews 2. of or relating to the language of the Hebrews. 
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91 Melchizedek was the King of Salem. Salem in Hebrew means: peace.
92 Of the five chapters, chapters 1, 2, and 4 are each divided into twenty-two stanzas (the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet), and each stanza begins with a different letter of the alphabet.
93 It allowed Hebrew society and Judaism to strengthen for another crucial century—by which time the Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar could banish the Hebrew people but not obliterate them or their faith.
94 John was a Hebrew writing to Hebrews and hiding the information from the Roman overlords.
95 Lilith, according to Hebrew Jewish texts, was the first woman created for Adam.
96 The Hebrew Old Testament was later translated into Greek called the Septuagint.
97 Caleb in Hebrew means : bold, impetuous . Caleb was the son of Jephunneh.
98 The first form of this submission is to believe in Him. Allah is the Arabic name for the One True God and it is very similar to the Hebrew Elohim and the Aramaic Ella.
99 The Hebrew word translated "mist" or "stream" can also be translated rain cloud, which will lend much sense to the passage.
100 The Hebrew version contains an entire canticle which does not appear in either the Greek or the Syriac text.
101 Did you know & quot ; HE & quot ; is the 5 th letter of the Hebrew alphabet?
102 He told her about all the Bibles—the Vulgate and the Septuagint, as well as the Vatican, the Sinaiticus, the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek,[sentence dictionary] and Latin Bibles.
103 Why does a prince of Egypt kill the master builder to save a Hebrew?
104 While most of their fellow Hebrews were already knee-deep in compromise and apostasy, these Hebrew boys stood firm and would not compromise.
105 There is no Hebrew or Greek cognate word in the Biblical text to reflect the modern term "same-sex orientation" or "homosexuality."
106 Israelis speak Hebrew which is a quirky, throaty language that takes ages to learn.
107 An ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure, equal to about 38 liters ( 0 U.S. gallons ).
108 I've got two or three other terms that'll be useful along the way, but there's really no need to know Hebrew. I just want you to understand why Tanakh is the word that's used to refer to the Bible.
109 Rev. And they gathered them to the place which in Hebrew is called, Armageddon.
110 It belongs to the Semitic group of languages, which also includes Hebrew and Amharic , the main language of Ethiopia .
111 The utmost that was generally attempted...was to construe five or six of Tully's orations, as many books of Virgil, and part only of the Greek Testament, with some chapters of the Hebrew Psalter.
112 Then, he borrowed the idea of a seven - day week and leap year from the Hebrew calendar.
113 Diabolism has a very long history in the West, and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible.
114 Two featherless chickens peck around in some grass May 22, 2002 at the Hebrew University in Rehovot.
115 An ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure, equal to about 38 liters ( 10 U.S. gallons ).
116 They took her to live in the Temple in Jerusalem when she was three years old, much like Hanna took Samuel to the Tabernacle, as recorded in the Old Testament (Tanakh, Hebrew Bible).
117 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
118 It derived from the Hebrew alphabet, the symbols of which are encoded messages of light - as if in a flame - that spiral and can best viewed holographically .
119 A notable exception is the site of Qumran on the Dead Sea, where the first of the important Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts known as the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered (1947).
120 Expand accessibility to support internationalisation, double - byte characters and Right to - Left support for Arabic and Hebrew languages.
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