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Harmony in a sentence

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Sentence count:260+5Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: discorddisharmonySimilar words: hormonecharmceremonytestimonyenormousfarmarmfurthermoreMeaning: ['hɑrmənɪ /'hɑːm-]  n. 1. compatibility in opinion and action 2. the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords 3. a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole 4. agreement of opinions 5. an agreeable sound property. 
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151. Always the sky imposes its moods and the landscape beneath responds in perfect harmony.
152. And yet all work in harmony and harm no one.
153. The apparent social harmony of the mid-century could be attributed to Britain's economic success in these years.
154. One More Angel in Heaven and the rousing finale with its two-part harmony were musical highlights.
155. Timotei Moisturiser is able to nurture the softness of your skin by working in perfect harmony with it.
156. The whole interior gives a feeling of weightlessness and harmony.
157. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmonyMahatma Gandhi 
158. There has to be fairness and justice for black people before you can achieve a spirit of interracial harmony.
159. But if moderation works, who knows to what heights of political harmony it might lead?
160. Instead, they would rely on decentralized, uncontrolled life to sort itself out and come to some self-enhancing harmony.
161. Red and purple salvias blend well to give a sense of harmony in the garden.
161. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
162. They believed the celestial motions are performed with exacting regularity, just as the harmony of musical sounds depends on regular intervals.
163. Rainforest-dwelling people have learnt to live in harmony with their environment.
164. The house was a happier place without him, and the three of us lived together in remarkable harmony.
165. Don't live by your own rules, but in harmony with nature. Epictetus 
166. Monophony Strictly speaking, monophonic music is a single melodic line, without harmony or even octaves.
167. The normal layout of the string orchestra is in four-part harmony, the double bass either doubling the cellos or being silent.
168. It was no longer possible to see the world as developing towards socialism and international harmony.
169. This method of obscuring chords only in higher registers is quite usual, as it gives a good equilibrium to the harmony.
170. When do we need to achieve balance and harmony within ourselves?
171. But Karplus claimed that nothing gives theoreticians grater satisfaction than to find close harmony between their results and the laboratory results.
172. It was, Smith argued, an enlightened plan: sensible, efficient, conceived in harmony.
173. Back in class, Miss Grimhle gave a lecture on racial harmony.
174. They sang in perfect harmony, although I dare say Alex Ferguson will complain about the pitch.
175. If Daley was reactionary and stubborn, he was in perfect harmony with his town.
176. But John Gittins has never lost sight of the fact that man must work in harmony with nature.
177. All the martial arts, hard and soft, aim at a non-aggressive state of harmony.
178. The technique is really one of creating harmony in two separate and unrelated layers.
179. When choosing an editor, chose an orchestra leader-an expert to help you create harmony from content and style.
180. It is a house of harmony to my hand. Dear madam!
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