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Grief in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+23Posted:2016-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: delightjoySimilar words: in briefbrieflyaggrieveddie forgripgrinbeliefreliefMeaning: [grɪːf]  n. 1. intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death) 2. something that causes great unhappiness. 
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121, After someone dies, it can take a long time to work though your grief.
122, All his little schemes for making money seem to come to grief.
123, I got a load of grief off Esther because I was ten minutes late.
124, Her grief was still raw and he did not know how to help her.
125, I felt as though I was intruding on their private grief.
126, The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety.
127, She was benumbed with grief at the death of her husband.
128, The media was criticized for its thoughtless incursion into the domestic grief of the family.
129, It was a grief to them that they had no children.
130, Newspaper editors are being urged not to intrude on/into the grief of the families of missing servicemen.
131, It does not take much imagination to understand the depth of their grief.
132, Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case,( he was never seen again.
133, I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.
134, We all felt as if we were intruding on his private grief.
135, She seemed to be wallowing in her grief, instead of trying to recover from the disaster.
136, Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief.
137, So many marriages have come to grief over lack of money.
138, All his schemes for making money seem to come to grief.
139, A woman, prostrate with grief, lay wailing on the ground.
140, She covered her face, rocking to and fro in her grief.
141, The constant partygoing of her later years was a desperate camouflage for her grief.
142, She counterfeited a grief.
143, When she heard of her son's death, she was mad with grief.
144, Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood.
145, In a strange way she seemed ennobled by the grief she had experienced.
146, The Italian champion was in second position when he came to grief on the third lap.
147, He found a remedy for his grief in constant hard work.
148, They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them.
149, He has been stricken with grief since the death of his wife.
150, Wails of grief were heard as visitors filed past the site of the disaster.
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