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Grapes in a sentence

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Sentence count:204+14Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: grapegrapevinegrapefruitrapescrapetrapezescrape outtrapezoid
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61 Are these just bad vibes and sour grapes or is hip hop just too naughty by nature for the mainstream?
62 The grapes begin to form, after natural pollination, during the months of June and July.
63 In California you chew the juice out of grapes and spit the skin away, a real luxury.
64 At Monticello he grew endless varieties of apples and grapes and flowers, so his use of gardening imagery is understandable.
65 Brass bells hung like bunches of ripe grapes to each thigh.
66 When Anthony was a boy the family arrived in California as migrant workers picking grapes.
67 A typical example is Chteau de Valandraud, made from grapes grown on a tiny patch of vineyard in St-Emilion.
68 Sultanas are dried white seedless grapes and have a sweeter flavour than either currants or raisins.
69 Remembering he didn't like grapes, she had lined up more exotic things like dates, kumquats and some out-of-season strawberries.
70 As always, this winter most labourers will live a hand-to-mouth existence until the grapes are ready for thinning in late August.
71 His mouth was opened wide as if awaiting a bunch of grapes.
72 Place a lettuce leaf in each bap topped with the sliced brie, finish with the grapes and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
73 Friends come to help us gather the crop and press the grapes.
74 October brought a benevolent turn in the weather, and the grapes that survived September thrived.
75 Criticisms from ex-players, in my opinion, are nothing but sour grapes.
76 The Plot A fox who was really hungry saw some grapes hanging from the top of a grapevine.
77 It may sound like sour grapes but I assure you I feel no bitterness merely disappointed.
78 This was sour grapes, a far-off voice of wisdom suggested.
79 He stood at the window eating grapes from a paper bag torn open down the side.
80 Their decision to screen live matches regularly on Monday nights was greeted with a mixture of sour grapes and shrewish dismay.
81 Its smoky, herbal flavors from sauvignon blanc grapes intertwine neatly with the apple nuances and fuller body of the chardonnay.
82 Whether you are cultivating cabbages or grapes, care is needed to achieve a good harvest: good grapes make good wine.
83 Fruit Grapes: seedless varieties, such as Thompson and Glame are ideal with cheese.
84 Already one began to hear the nickname Suicide Langford; but that was either sour grapes or silly sensationalism.
84 Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
85 For example, all raisins are made from the same green grapes.
86 His sour grapes should not be mistaken for an accurate impression of the flavour of Charles's court in December 842.
87 Fans of organic wine will be pleased to see two new choices made from organically grown grapes.
88 Bright little bunches of cherries or grapes splashed their large hats with colour.
89 Beside the portrait was a carved cuckoo clock with green ivy and purple grapes growing around a green front door.
90 Pears, apples, and grapes were so sweet that they felt like they were melting in my mouth.
More similar words: grapegrapevinegrapefruitrapescrapetrapezescrape outtrapezoidtherapeuticgraphgraphicgrappleepigraphbar graphgraphemegraphiteholographhomographautographpolygraphbiographytelegraphparagraphcalligraphydemographypictographphonographtopographyphotographphotographer
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