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Gather in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+6Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accumulateamassassemblebring togetherbunchclustercollectcompilefoldgrouppleattuckAntonym: disposedistributedividesortSimilar words: gatheringgateallegationobligationinvestigateinvestigatorinvestigationfatherMeaning: ['gæðə(r)]  n. 1. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching 2. the act of gathering something. v. 1. assemble or get together 2. collect in one place 3. collect or gather 4. conclude from evidence 5. draw fabric together and sew it tightly 6. get people together 7. look for (food) in nature. 
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151. You will gather from this that there is no list of measurement techniques.
152. They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
153. Group numbers in dolphins may reach into the thousands and oceanic dolphins may gather in numbers exceeding 100,000.
154. In the evenings the whole family would gather around the fire.
155. Then it was time to gather firewood, fetch water and cook.
156. And there are people who leave the track while trying to gather a few ferns.
157. Appointed by the mayor and council, the committee has been a boon in helping elected officials gather information and set priorities.
158. Hard work but just as much a social occasion for everyone to gather together.
159. Millions of these books are shredded yearly or allowed to rot and gather dust in purgatorial existence.
160. A hundred thousand soldiers seems to have been the maximum any Hellenistic state was able to gather together for a decisive battle.
161. Instantly the air of the quiet lounge seemed to stir[], to gather vibrations as if his arrival ushered in a powerful force.
162. These Christians were slow to gather forces for a Reconquista.
163. A time to gather stones together, a time to cast away stones.
164. Gather up four corners of filo, twist into a bundle.
165. We gather that he comes from the university where they are now playing the concert.
166. The new law on assembly allowed citizens to gather or hold demonstrations without prior approval from the local government.
167. Six legendary singers gather in a way station after death.
167. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
168. Questionnaires were sent out to 300 employees and timekeepers in order to gather data on the problem areas.
169. They had only about one hundred and fifty yards to gather speed and could not achieve a full gallop in the time.
170. I gather from the elliptical description that follows that he began to patronize the coffee shop a lot more frequently.
171. Forty-four little hands gather up coats and lunch boxes and forty-four little feet head down the hall to go home.
172. He resigned his royal power and organized a commonwealth, building a council hall where the citizens should gather and vote.
173. Yanto was using his fingers to gather the fine silky material.
174. Where we can have some privacy, but where we can gather together as a family at meals and in the evenings.
175. Candidates did not have to gather any signatures of voters or pay any sort of fee to appear on the ballot.
176. I had to gather kindling too, for storing in a dry place.
177. Turbo swills a couple of beers to warm up while his wife and fans gather to cheer him on.
178. The point of the interview is to make full and systematic use of this to gather data for research purposes.
179. It was the one pub where students could be guaranteed not to gather in jabbering crowds: the reason was the clientele.
180. No one had seen or heard ladies gather here to watch.
More similar words: gatheringgateallegationobligationinvestigateinvestigatorinvestigationfathermathbathsat handfeatherdeathleatherat heartor ratherathleteat homebeneathathleticbathrooma thoughtrather thanCatholicsympathygrandfatherbreathingout of breaththe death penaltyat home and abroad
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