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Frequent in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+22Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: commonhabitualhauntmanyprevalentrecurrentregularinfrequentrareSimilar words: frequentlyfrequencysubsequentrequirementconsequentlyrequestrequirerequiredMeaning: ['frɪːkwənt]  v. 1. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of 2. be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place. adj. 1. coming at short intervals or habitually 2. frequently encountered. 
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271 I had experienced Mr Weinberg on a number of occasions-he was a frequent guest at the White House.
272 Again this provides a strong contrast with the first Whigs, who had pressed for frequent Parliamentary elections.
273 Manometric studies in patients with Barrett's oesophagus are few and the comparison with patients with gastrooesophageal reflux are less frequent.
274 Inevitably, the incontinent patient needs cleaning and drying at very frequent intervals, to prevent infections such as cystitis.
275 In doing so I will be making frequent reference to the empirical research findings of criminologists working mostly in the positivist tradition.
276 This may mean ignoring the frequent assertion by critics that in adventure stones character must be subordinate to action.
277 There is some evidence that sleep disturbance in normal old men is more frequent than in normal old women.
278 A pyrotechnic its frequent than find another pyrotechnics.
279 The situation of frequent socioeconomic turbulence following intensified financial risks must be speedily put right.
280 Subscribe to blogs that resonate with your heart and a frequent participant.
281 In order to control frequent deficiency diseases[Sentence dictionary], effects of spraying nutrient elements on Pistacia veraL.
282 Murders are frequent in Dagestan, in parts of which Islamic sharia law is enforced.
283 This probably is the most frequent programming error; it occurs in a wide variety of circumstances.
284 File fracture was a frequent complication of root canal therapy.
285 Service in systems involving frequent flow reversals and pulsation should be avoided.
286 The security evaluation of transmission grid is an important and frequent work for power grid business.
287 Painful sensations are a frequent and troublesome sequelae of paraplegia and quadriplegia following spinal cord injury.
288 EXAMPLE: Our new boss a proponent of short but frequent staff meetings.
289 He and his books were in frequent requisition as to property confiscated and made national.
290 Second - line agents were used for steroid dependence, steroid resistance(, or frequent relapses.
291 Background and objective Renal hypertension is very frequent in secondary hypertension.
292 These may include frequent respiratory disease, such as pneumonia or excessively runny nose.
293 Expenses for commissions and slippage are higher, due to more frequent trading.
More similar words: frequentlyfrequencysubsequentrequirementconsequentlyrequestrequirerequiredsequenceconsequencein consequenceinfluentialequipmentequivalententertainmentsentimentfreefreezefreelyfree ofset freefreshmanfree fromequipequityschadenfreudeadequateequationout of the questiontent
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