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Fledgling in a sentence

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Sentence count:58Posted:2017-02-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: callowentrantfledgelingfledgelingfledglingfreshmanneophytenewbienewcomerstarterunfledgedSimilar words: glintingdanglingbunglingdouble-dealingpledgeledgerpledgedknowledgeMeaning: ['fledʒlɪŋ]  n. 1. any new participant in some activity 2. young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying. adj. 1. (of a young bird) having acquired its flight feathers 2. young and inexperienced. 
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31. The old-line firm just wasn't sure that the fledgling microcomputer market would be at all profitable.
32. A steep descent in an airplane like this would have blacked out a fledgling.
33. Thriller was enthusiastically adopted by the then fledgling music television channel MTV , which launched in 1981.
34. At present, the trend is still fledgling market heavy weights, market trend is still not
35. Mr. Spitznagel's approach to trading dates to his time as a fledgling pit trader in the early 1990s at the Chicago Board of Trade, where he bought and sold commodities such as cotton and soybeans.
36. The channel would be helmed by former News Corp. President Peter Chernin, and at one point, the fledgling channel was a possible destination for Conan O'Brien before he settled on TBS.
37. He was chosen in 1996 begin training for China's fledgling space programme.
38. Through Investor Growth Capital it finances fledgling companies in health care and technology in America.
39. It can become a 4 - 3 - 3 to accommodate the fledgling Theo Walcott.
40. All-or-nothing comments like those have made him the leader of a fledgling movement that now includes Google and Amazon, and likely Apple in the near future.
41. Nor yet has Iraq's fledgling national army, the nearest thing to a national institution, broken apart.
42. A fledgling white-tailed kite [bottom] grabs a vole from its father 100 feet above the ground in mid-flight.
43. Newsagent: Michael, how's my fledgling paper boy doing[], this fine pristine morning?
44. This makes Google the clear leader in the fledgling but promising market for web - video advertising.
45. Musing about a picture of a fledgling osprey, he writes, "I surmise that the feelings are similar" to those of a human "launching off a high aerie, " a feeling that is both "thrilling and terrifying.
46. The fledgling domestic fund management industry has raised $ 18 bn so far this quarter.
47. I am a fledgling in the Boundless Lane Kitty Hawk, to experience even greater suffering.
48. Within its first year the Society's fledgling National Geographic Magazine began publication.
49. The fledgling kingdoms of Poland and Hungary to the southwest are just as well placed to move and assume control of the Russian capital.
50. One of these was a fledgling author by the name of Ayn Rand.
51. A myna fledgling and its nest, which has been knocked into the road during stormy weather in Bhubaneswar, India.
52. Curtsinger " First flight is the last flight for one out of ten fledgling [ albatrosses ] . "
53. A year after leaving Monaco he was named coach of Nagoya Grampus Eight in what was still the fledgling J-League.
54. The fledgling internet of the time (Arpanet and CSnet) relied on a bulky and exponentially growing "phonebook" of addresses called the "host tables."
55. In turn the number of new market development, such as China's fledgling transparent beer market.
56. That points to one reason the fledgling revival of the vaccine sector may yet flounder: politics.
57. He says she can do important work as an undercover agent in Shanghai, a rather daunting role for a fledgling actress.
58. South London to Brighton migrants The Maccabees seem to have shed some of their fledgling boisterousness.
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