Similar words: tiring, aspiring, inspiring, perspiring, ring finger, upbringing, lingering, ringing. Meaning: ['faɪərɪŋ] n. 1. the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy 2. the act of discharging a gun 3. the act of setting something on fire 4. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart).
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181. Nor had the courts outlawed most patronage hiring and firing and protected most employees from wrongful discharge.
182. The part of the wood where we were had become the focus to which all the firing converged.
183. Stability is not firing the head coach every three or four years.
184. He was walking with his mum in Chicago when two men in a car began firing at three others.
185. Only during the night... the picket lines being close together, the firing of the skirmishers caused frequent alarms.
186. Two other boats approached, fore and aft, and began firing fireworks at the vessel.
187. Hours of daily practice on the firing range had formed the callus.
188. That released the firing pin, which in turn fired the percussion cap and triggered a chemical reaction that generated oxygen.
189. The man had been seen firing a rifle in his back garden and through his letter box.
190. Track 13 in front was out of commission, with its people on the ground, prone, in firing positions.
191. As soon as we crossed the border, enemy troops started firing at us.
192. There was only the sound of their own firing, then a dead silence.
193. However, open firing is subject to the widest range of problems because it is nor contained.
194. Many of them are reportedly gun-happy, and have taken to firing shots at the river dolphins.
195. People like me, who believed the firing squad had been assembled, were left with egg on our faces.
196. It was placed in an eccentric, high-inclination orbit around Venus by the firing of a small rocket engine.
197. Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol,( firing it into the ceiling.
198. They went on firing until all their ammunition was spent.
199. I assembled the weapon, checked the firing and recoil mechanism and loaded it.
200. They were disorientated by the smoke and were firing blindly into it.
201. At least one American firm has designed an armed security robot capable of firing a weapon.
202. Absolutely . We have lots of skills that alter firing rate, spread , homing capabilities, etcetera.
203. New guns firing high explosive shells were incorporated into the battlefield.
204. The fresh - crowned hero fell without firing a shot.
205. Ivan : Absolutely. We have lots of skills that alter firing rate , spread , homing capabilities(sentence dictionary), etcetera.