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Finger in a sentence

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Sentence count:152+42Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: digitfeelhandlemanipulatetouchAntonym: thumbtoeSimilar words: singerany longerno longerin dangerpassengerout of dangerin generalsomething elseMeaning: ['fɪŋgə(r)]  n. 1. any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb) 2. the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure 3. one of the parts of a glove that provides covering for a finger or thumb. v. 1. feel or handle with the fingers 2. examine by touch 3. search for on the computer 4. indicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for keyboard instruments. 
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151. When a finger points at the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger.
152. Only as long as I keep my finger upon this artery stop the blood gushing out.
More similar words: singerany longerno longerin dangerpassengerout of dangerin generalsomething elsefinefinddefinefind outfinallyfinanceeagerfinish upGermanbiggerangelrangefinancialimagerytriggersurgerymanagerchangeorangeplungefinish withdefinition
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