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Encryption in a sentence

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Sentence count:159Posted:2017-02-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: encryptcrypticcrypticallyoptioninceptionadoptiondeceptionreceptionMeaning: [-ʃn]  n. the activity of converting from plain text into code. 
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(61) It also introduces the safety of programs including decompilation and code encryption. Moreover, it presents the codes of enciphered files based on VB program.
(62) The machine has encryption functions. By pressing the locking key, it enters the machine into a protection status. Any key you press is ineffective.
(63) It is also possible to use block analysis to determine the encryption key.
(64) Encryption is a tool a black box solution to protecting your privacy.
(65) The other one is to analyze Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) and implement the transparency of the security and encryption route platform to the original network structure by ARP cheat technology.
(66) Use this page to create, back up[], or restore the encryption key.
(67) An authenticated encryption scheme based on self certified of public key from bilinear pairings is proposed.
(68) In the paper, public key encryption algorithm-RSA and the application in digital signature are mainly discussed and analysed.
(69) Represents the base class for the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm from which all DES implementations must derive.
(70) IDEA encryption algorithm is data block encryption algorithm ( Cipher Block ) category.
(71) Support file encryption, if you use encryption format, the saved file will be only accessed by your BB.
(72) For symmetric encryption (see Resources), you need an encryption key in addition to the clear data being encrypted.
(73) It then calls the encryption method getEncryptedData, which returns a Base 64 encoded cipher text string.
(74) Practical design of a complete set of documents RSA encryption solution to achieve specific coding.
(75) If you're so devil-may-care as to omit encryption, the suite warns you that your network isn't secure.
(76) The first part gives with the encryption and decryption technology - related knowledge.
(76) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(77) In the paper first the encryption algorithm is introduced based on the mathematical and theoretical introduction of the RSA algorithm theory, RSA algorithm and the parameter choices.
(78) In terms of the difference between encryption key and decryption key, it can divide into symmetry cryptogram and public key cryptogram.
(79) Utilizing the stretch and fold mechanism, an invertible map set based image encryption algorithm is proposed.
(80) PKI is a basic platform for safe internet corresponding . It obeys the standard key encryption technique.
(81) The short form of the cypherpunk's obsession with encryption can be summarized as: Pretty good privacy means pretty good society.
(82) It has strongpoint of symmetry encryption scheme such as encryption speed and encrypt intensity, but also has advantage of public key encryption scheme on key distribution and key management.
(83) Rijndael encryption algorithm is the grouping variable length block cipher.
(84) The document then bounces between Tor servers in a random manner, using layers of encryption to obfuscate its source address.
(85) Knapsack public-key cryptosystem is characterized by fast encryption and decryption.
(86) Lastly, the mixed cryptogram arithmetic was implemented and applied into the application of email encryption.
(87) In this paper, the safeness of data bank system, distributed bata bank and statistical data bank is studied. And the data encryption is also studied.
(88) There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.
(89) For example, the .Net MQ client does not have support SSL channel encryption, XA transactions, and channel compression.
(90) For the J2ME-based Kerberos client, I'll only support one encryption algorithm, which is DES (data encryption standard) in CBC (cipher block chaining) mode.
More similar words: encryptcrypticcrypticallyoptioninceptionadoptiondeceptionreceptionperceptionexceptionapocryphalabsorptionassumptioncorruptionconceptionapperceptionexceptionalcaptivationdescriptionconsumptionprescriptioninterruptionself-incriminationscience fictionproportional representationdeclaration of independenceconstitutional conventionbumptioussurreptitioussurreptitiously
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