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(1) Sufficiently large impacts can hurl crater ejecta to any point on the lunar surface.
(2) They may be composed of impact ejecta, some of which may have been molten.
(3) Name seven different forms of ejecta from impact craters, and four topographic features that impact craters can bear.
(4) The telltale splatter pattern of ejecta rays -- bedrock scattered around the impact zone -- suggested an 8, 000 mph collision with a 4.3-foot iron space pebble.
(5) Planetary geologists formerly believed that any impact ejecta with speeds exceeding the Martian escape velocity would almost certainly be vaporized or at least completely melted.
(6) This is actually an ejecta field of rocks thrown about after the impact that created this huge crater where the rover is now traversing(sentencedict.com/ejecta.html), and is an exciting region for the MER scientists to explore.
(7) Gostin, who first discovered rocky traces of the asteroid "ejecta" almost 30 years ago, said the asteroid impact occurred during a period of extreme cold.
(8) But the nearly six-mile high ejecta blanket that breaks lunar altitude records was formed in a matter of minutes!
(9) Bright rays have not yet been darkened by these means and thus represent ejecta from craters of relatively recent origin.
(10) Multiple lines of evidence show water was present in both the high-angle vapour plume and the ejecta curtain created by the LCROSS Centaur impact.
(11) A 3-chimney height exclusion zone shall be maintained to minimize the chance of ejecta or debris hitting any spectators.
(12) The apparent reason for this is that the surface is so porous that an impacting space rock causes little ejecta , material blasted out of the collision site and is scattered all around.
(13) These are also the telltales in distant layers of ejecta that the rock in question has come from an impact.
(14) In sum, the Martian regolith generally consists of impact ejecta and debris from mudflows or floods, interstratified with windblown dust.
(15) To better understand the mass and structure of these stellar ejecta and track their velocity, NASA has turned to the dual STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) satellites.
(16) It should also help to determine whether most of the dust in the supernova remnant came from the massive star before it exploded, or from the rapidly expanding supernova ejecta.
(17) Searches in the impurity clues in the water - ice dominated plumes and surface ejecta are progressing.
(18) This story, though, raises the question of why there is but a single ejecta layer of iridium and shocked quartz in late Cretaceous rocks around the world.
(19) The clear separation of the shocked matter and the heated ejecta in the Chandra image allowed astronomers to determine the mass and composition of the ejecta .
(20) A similar phenomenon holds true for the moon's 30 major mountains that are a byproduct of the crustal uplifting and ejecta from titanic impacts of space debris.
(21) If they are correct, it's possible, says Lawton, for fossils of organisms that were killed by the impact event to be reworked out on the ancient sea floor and laid down on top of (after) ejecta .
(22) For one thing, such a large impact should have thrown out huge quantities of superhot ejecta.
(23) Highly reflective material with a steeper slope (seen as bright orange in this enhanced-color view) is exposed in the ejecta near the crater's rim.
(24) This and the X-ray spectrum, which exhibits a high concentration of iron atoms relative to oxygen and silicon, convincingly show that the ejecta are the remains of an exploded white dwarf star.
(25) During the October 6, 2008 flyby of Mercury, MESSENGER's NAC captured a new view of the bright, radial ejecta rays of Kuiper crater that were previously imaged by Mariner 10 at a lower Sun angle.
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