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Easter in a sentence

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Sentence count:218+9Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: easterneastern europeplaster castasternmasterboasterplasterdisasterMeaning: ['iːstə]  n. 1. a Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ; celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox 2. a wind from the east. 
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61 Then, he hid until after Easter.
62 The Alexandrian and Roman dating for Easter was imposed.
63 I will be coming home the day before Easter.
64 Otherwise it will be like an Easter egg hunt.
65 There can be no Easter without Good Friday. 2.
66 Until then, goodnight and have a good Easter holiday.
67 Easter and winter opening times on request.
68 It holds an overnight conference during the Easter vacation.
69 The Easter holiday, which fell in March last year, also makes comparison difficult.
70 The act he'd devised for the Easter Fete was a black mass.
71 Congress was scheduled to recess for Easter and Passover on Friday.
72 I first heard of La Chupacabra over the Easter weekend while visiting family in Laredo.
73 This all happened just before Easter, at the end of my penultimate term at Sussex.
74 Jim kindled the Easter fire, a blue flame at first barely visible above the silver rim of a white bowl.
75 Ireland - home, as Joseph called it - had been a powder keg since the Easter Rising three years ago.
76 That's assertiveness, boyo. It is intended that the course, differently slanted, will start soon after Easter.
77 During the days following Easter Sunday, he noticed a certain lassitude of spirit in himself.
78 Frankie, who was seventy-five[], died on Easter Sunday but was an entertainer right to the end.
79 But all the endowments which funded chantries were confiscated at Easter 1548 and vested in the Crown.
80 It is a major draw for Christians who gather each Easter for sunrise worship services.
81 And Charles and his whole exultant cohort devoted themselves to celebrating Easter.
82 From Easter onwards, the area is laid with eight tennis courts and three five-a-side pitches.
83 They came, not during committee meetings in Whitehall, but after informal chats at ministers' houses during the Easter holiday.
84 The Whitsun visitors would follow the Easter ones; in no time at all the hotels would be jammed to the doors.
85 Miss Bothway recorded her first win between the flags for two years at High Easter on Saturday.
86 Reading face five meetings in four days over Easter, starting with a Gold Cup visit to Poole this afternoon.
87 Montanism, the Easter controversy, and the debate about baptism were all complex issues which required consultation between bishops.
88 Irene Hills's face is modelled on an Easter Island statue.
89 Over the Easter weekend there were complaints that the toilets were closed as early as five p.m.
90 Though Harriet was tired - indeed, worn out - the Easter party took place.
More similar words: easterneastern europeplaster castasternmasterboasterplasterdisasterasteroidmonasteryalabasterwastewatermasterpieceeastfeastyeastbeastleastbreastnortheastabreastat leastsoutheasteastwardwastehasteeast timoreastboundin the leasttaste
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