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Dislike in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+15Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: likeSimilar words: likealikelikelyunlikequislinglikewiseand the likeunlikelyMeaning: [dɪs'laɪk]  n. 1. an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group 2. a feeling of aversion or antipathy. v. have or feel a dislike or distaste for. 
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121. Churchhill was said to have a dislike for unnecessary formality.
122. But if students actively dislike school, higher standards and better assessments are not going to change their minds.
123. Poor blacks dislike the Republican attack on welfare; rich blacks resent the Republican criticism of affirmative action.
124. I allowed my personal dislike of the man to surface when I should have remained detached.
125. The pair are said to dislike each other intensely - only the lure of the big bucks they make keeps them together.
126. But I am old-fashioned enough to dislike hearing it flung about in railway carriages by mixed school parties.
127. However, Kingfisher's shareholders are known to have expressed dislike of a demerger, particularly with stock markets falling.
128. This final aching agony had auburn hair, grey eyes, multiple sclerosis and a sick dislike of crying babies.
129. Often the traits we can't bear in other people tend to be the ones that we dislike most about ourselves.
130. An interviewer who happens to be very short may take an instant dislike to having a general manager who is much taller.
131. It is not that teachers in our primary schools dislike teaching bright children.
132. Bronson liked Marcus best,(sentence dictionary) and expressed a dislike for Carroll.
133. His biographer has stressed the consistency with which he avoided extreme political alignments and maintained a steadfast dislike of religious persecution.
134. When Jane arrives, Emma determines to dislike her no longer, but to admire her elegance and virtue instead.
135. And most things that make people dislike Maastricht are aspects of the Community that predated it.
136. But, you see, I had taken a violent dislike to the short man.
137. She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.
138. He, rightly in my view, expresses his dislike for the constant advertisements.
139. Hernandez and Ruelas were just sounding boards for the fans to express a dislike for De La Hoya.
140. My intense dislike for him seemed to grow day by day.
141. Petersburg, Dayton, and Dallas-survey their residents to see what they like and dislike about their city and their government.
142. Many people dislike the taste of bran and find it hard to swallow.
143. It was merely an expression of her own personal dislike.
144. If you dislike the aroma, you have only wasted a tiny amount of essential oil.
145. Harrison had never tried to conceal his dislike for the Major and Carew.
146. Two things I dislike about my granddaughter when she won’t take her afternoon nap, and when she won’t let me take mine. Gene Perret 
147. What did they like or dislike about their office design?
148. In a competitive world, most men dislike rivals, nonconformists, dissenters, and opponents.
149. There are two ways of disliking art. One is to dislike it. The other is to like it rationally. Oscar Wilde 
150. I dislike her frivolity.
More similar words: likealikelikelyunlikequislinglikewiseand the likeunlikelyfeel likedreamlikethreadlikelikelihoodsomething likefeel like doingdisloyaldislodgedislocateslimisleslitslipislandsliceaisleIslamslingslidepikebikehike
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