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Delta in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+2Posted:2017-04-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: helter-skelteraltarpoll taxbeltmeltpeltfeltvoltaireMeaning: ['deltə]  n. 1. a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water 2. the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet. 
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151. Freezing water from beneath Earth's surface forces the ground upward in Canada Mackenzie River delta.
152. It can be a simple Java class that encapsulates the delta EAR generation logic, or a relevant complex component that adds the validation logic and the generation file.
153. The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta, lake and turbidity.
154. The United Nations reports logistical obstacles are making it difficult to get aid to cyclone victims in Burma's Irrawaddy Delta.
155. Beans onions and rice grow in the black soil of the delta.
156. The team of researchers, led by Fuhua Yang at Wuhan University, China, modified hepatitis delta to carry 'molecular scissors' that cut into the genetic material of hepatitis B.
157. Time retrospect to before two weeks, changjiang Delta spring and Cao country Wei drink tea together.
158. The structural types mainly are fault-related folds, imbricate structure and fault delta zone.
159. From this, the economic balance in this delta is incline southing.
160. He was recently scheduledto fly from Harrisburg, Pa., to Raleigh, NC, via Atlanta on Delta. But his 8 a.m. flight was canceled, and the airlineautomatically rescheduled him on a 4:40 p.m. flight.
161. It is demonstrated that the west of the depression was the main source supply area during S4 period, where had developed 4 major sources and formed fan delta sands like Shen257, Shen225.
162. But the main reason is a diminishing labour supply, helped in the delta by an uptick in labour activism.
163. The delta Burmese rose in revolt and rushed the town of Prome.
164. In this paper, a new adaptive delta modulation (ADM) method, hybrid companding delta modulation with algorithm (AHDM), is proposed for speech coding.
165. Delta loads, all data loading after the initial load, are regular (such as daily) data updates from source systems into InfoSphere MDM Server software.
166. Voluntary schemes urging firms, intent on maintaining wafer-thin cost advantages in the Pearl River Delta, to invest in costly green technologies haven't proven popular so far.
167. Apex? 1 reappears to Deltan graviton telemetry 0.6 billion km from Delta.
168. And so I went through the math on this and said suppose I wanted to be really sloppy and I wanted to say if the delta X, the uncertainty in position is on the order of one angstrom.
169. The expansion of Circle of the Empyreal territory continues to compass 11 star systems within 85 Light Years of New Delta.
170. The author gave out the delta the vector representation of "Five minds" by means of five theorems. and supplied the proof.
171. Egypt's fifth local channel, in the Nile Delta city of Tanta, is expected to start up later this year.
172. But other areas of Delta state were not like Otor Ogor.
173. Figure 3 shows how recovery requires a full backup image, the last incremental backup, all delta backups since the last incremental backup, and the logs.
174. Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm.
174. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
175. This is inefficient and cumbersome; even the relatively suboptimal MPEG-style delta quantizer system would be a better option.
176. The work uses Adaptive Delta Modulation ( ADM ) to realize speech waveform coding and digital data compression.
177. It took more than two weeks after Cyclone Nargis devastated the Irrawaddy Delta before ASEAN members could persuade Burma to meet to discuss aid for the storm's victims.
178. Delta and JAL cover many of the same routes, allowing the two airlines to better efficiency through schedule and fare collaboration.
179. Three - phase three - wire winding, delta or meshed connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.
180. In his month-long stay on Coruscant, Ghent even sliced through the pulse transmitter encrypt code used by the mysterious Delta Source.
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