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Dealt in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+17Posted:2016-12-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dealidealdealerordealdeal indeal outwealthhealth
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181. Wilson dealt with the conflicts that arose in Orkney due to the activities of planners.
182. This is dealt with in more detail in the chapter on arena displays.
183. I pointed out at the beginning that the Lindop committee had said that suspicions should be dealt with differently.
184. Makarenko also dealt summarily with the Poltava educational authorities who had appointed him in the first place.
185. Only when the cause of the doubt has been understood and dealt with can faith be re-engaged and personal conviction encouraged.
186. Ruby's solicitor has dealt with a number of asbestos cases connected with the Swindon Works.
187. Goons run rampant; crack is dealt on every corner of the Bronx, and law enforcement is something of a joke.
188. If you follow the guidelines below your complaint will be dealt with in the most efficient manner possible.
189. Payments are probably dealt with by some junior clerk who applies his or her own interpretation of what the company wants.
190. Sedgefield Magistrates decided the case should be dealt with by the Crown Court and gave Parker bail pending committal.
191. Submerged oxygenating plants sometimes encroach beyond reasonable bounds and these too should be dealt with regularly.
192. Where only quantum is in dispute it will be dealt by arbitration.
193. Three of the five papers recommend that all complaints should be dealt with in ways as similar as possible.
194. The main commodities he dealt in were rice, tea, and lentils.
195. All the points are dealt with in short separate entries for maximum clarity.
196. The appeal ought to be dealt with by some one who was not directly involved in taking the original decision.
197. Enquiries regarding sites for hydroelectric schemes and numerous small matters related to the war effort were also dealt with.
198. She washed clothes and dealt in smuggled electronic goods, rabbit-fur hats, sunflower seeds, pearl necklaces and noodles.
199. The age-old hatred between the two groups has never been dealt with.
200. The dramas dealt with some somber aspect of domestic life.
201. It is necessary to provide a proper asylum law to make sure that genuine refugees can be dealt with speedily and adequately.
202. Where previous boy-girl ballads dealt with prom night nerves or playground jealousies.
203. Both democracy and the modern corporation had dealt crippling blows.
204. His championship hopes were dealt a savage blow last night when he received a hamstring injury.
205. Instead, complaints will be dealt with at main centres in Durham, Darlington and Bishop Auckland.
206. Shaking a little at first but gradually warming to his theme, the sacked Chancellor dealt John Major a devastating blow.
207. Each is equally valid and must be dealt with in its own terms.
207. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
208. There are considerable differences between babies, young children, young adults and the aged, which will be dealt with later.
209. At the council office where she worked, the office that dealt with equal opportunities and discrimination.
210. Nor has it dealt with the question of a new citizenship law, though the Solingen atrocity has revived debate about this.
More similar words: dealidealdealerordealdeal indeal outwealthhealthwealthyhealthydeal witha big dealappeal toa good dealhealthcarea great deala good deal ofthe death penaltydouble-dealingideadeaddeathsaltdeadlyaltersaltyfade awaydeadlineroyaltyaltogether
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