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Count out in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: count onon account oftake into accountcountycountrycounteraccountdiscountMeaning: v. declare the loser. 
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(1) We have to count out John for tomorrow's trip.
(2) The little girl could only remember her numbers by counting out.
(3) Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope.
(4) The House was counted out.
(5) She counted out five crisp new $100 bills.
(6) He counted out the exact money .
(7) He wasn't voted out;he was counted out.
(8) Cooper was counted out in the final round.
(9) She counted out £70 in £10 notes.
(10) The teller counted out ten $50 bills.
(11) The boxing champion was finally counted out.
(12) She counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesgirl.
(13) She counted out seven £5 notes and passed them to the salesclerk.
(14) Those who have not yet sent in applications should be counted out.
(15) The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
(16) She was counting out 30p, mostly in small change[], into my hand.
(17) There is no need to tell the kids that the number of stars cannot be counted out.
(18) When someone is counting out gold for you, don't look at your hands, or the gold. Look at the giver. Rumi 
(19) Impressed by their studiousness, we carefully counted out some coins(, making sure each boy got the same amount.
(20) She can count out and administer her own drugs and explain her own needs during visits to the doctor.
(21) You can't count out guys like Gaudio.
(22) Never a good thing count out Duncan and Parker's Spurs.
(23) Mother would count out to her a bundle of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.
(24) Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.
(25) Count out ( the number of ) the pieces of chalk in the box.
(26) The population growth of males in China, by recent official count out of proportion of females.
(27) I think that I'm not alone, all of us count out slowly when we will finish.
(28) She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out one hundred and ninety-five pounds.
(29) There are so many stars in the sky that none can count out.
(30) There are so many stars in the sky that none count out.
More similar words: count onon account oftake into accountcountycountrycounteraccountdiscountaccount foraccountingcounterpartaccountabilitydeveloping countriesmountin touchpoint outamount tocouncilkeep in touchcounselorcounselinground and roundtourlet outget output outact outcut outset outaunt
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