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Confuse in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: complicatejumblemistakemix upmuddleAntonym: calmcomposequietsootheSimilar words: confessconfirmconflictconfrontconfidentconfessionconferenceconflict withMeaning: [kən'fjuːz]  v. 1. mistake one thing for another 2. be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly 3. cause to feel embarrassment 4. assemble without order or sense 5. make unclear or incomprehensible 6. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred. 
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121. Don't confuse the sales techniques with the products.
122. Don't confuse FDDI's ring structure with Token Ring.
123. The TNC seems to confuse black people with mercenaries.
124. The problem is exacerbated by varying international patent laws, which both raise the cost and confuse the issue of patent protection.
125. Moreover, many admirers of CSR confuse the sort of creative destruction that makes us all richer, in the long run, with corporate skulduggery.
126. AWACS Thunderhead Don't let the jamming confuse you. Repeat; don't let the enemy's jamming confuse you.
127. When the clinical watch of deep caries is existing easy as phlogistic as dental pulp of sex of dental pulp hyperaemia, chronic closedown , dental pulp is necrotic (gangrenous) interblend confuse.
128. Those who confuse innovation and entrepreneurship are also prone to forget the most important difference between earned revenue and donated revenue.
129. Toilet and cesspool are two different matters, cannot confuse sth with sth else.
130. Although its newspaper business is small , confuse, but still lack of investment value.
131. Delving into the mystical aspect of Ninjitsu, the Ninja summons a perfect replica of her likeness in order to confuse her enemies.
132. If you confuse black and white any more[], we'll settle with you one of these days.
133. I advised him against it, because to preempt his own deadline might confuse our adversaries.
134. In studying English Lexicology, the terms about the morphological structure and word - formation often confuse us.
135. The term comes from "discombobulate," which means to confuse or frustrate, and Google.
136. They are not trying to confuse the audience with the inherent ambiguity of merely portraying a single moment; they are expressing their acknowledgement towards life from each of them individually.
137. Dont confuse this...object...this construction of Hephaestus with your own flesh and blood.
138. Treatment with single-phase depression only antidepressant, treatment is required duplex depression mood stabilizer, and confuse both would increase cure difficulty.
139. Paper institute character, be not people place desire character, confound right and wrong, and white confuse.
140. Even if you look at countries in the same income bracket, there are plenty of factors, from demography to culture, that confuse the picture.
141. Whatever the impact, it would be a mistake to confuse the twitches of an economy on life-support with a lasting recovery.
142. Although valuable in deconstruct the Platonism and realism, the fallibilism and quasi-empiricism confuse the essence difference between mathematics and other science.
143. Because the project uses a session to store user information that's pulled from a database, it has extra code doing other things and may confuse the issue.
144. Don't confuse this with the very similar looking Two Loop Knot – the technique is quite different and much faster .
145. They use all these phrases and peppiness to confuse you.
146. You together set out, I put a medicine in the fire heap while every time camps out and let him sponged ample many medicines,( and I canned definitely be not presumable to confuse him as well.
147. Wodehouse once put it, 'never confuse the unusual with the impossible.
148. Is play down house property holding tax to confuse right and wrong?
149. But its advertisement still appears in left, with content interblend confuse, and the advertisement on the right side of its still is a basis at present bade discretion sort.
150. The expert believes the new financial policy will confuse the share market.
More similar words: confessconfirmconflictconfrontconfidentconfessionconferenceconflict withconfrontationin fullin futurein full swingon fireon footCONSiconconveysecondlaconicconcerncontendeconomyconcertcondemnconcedeconvertconsumecontestconsentcontrol
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