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Confound in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bafflebewilderconfusemystifyperplexpuzzlestumpSimilar words: confoundedfoundconformfoundedfounderprofounddumbfoundconformingMeaning: [kən'faʊnd]  v. 1. be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly 2. mistake one thing for another. 
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1. Don't confound the means with the ends.
2. The choice of Governor may confound us all.
3. Don't confound public affairs with private ones.
4. Confound that silly fool!
5. Placed there to confront and confound him.
6. Use their expectations and then confound them.
7. Thus did ordinary children confound the experts.
8. The traditional monument has tended to confound gender politics.
9. Hell and the devil confound it, this was his home!
10. Confound it, who am I to hold up my nose in such a fashion?
11. It may also prove necessary to confound the belief that the local community and environment can not provide a suitable learning medium.
12. It is a mistake to confound strangeness with mystery.
13. Do not confound the means with the ends.
14. Don't confound right with wrong!
15. And Time that gave ,[] doth now his confound.
16. Confound you, what do you mean?
17. Don't confound the means with the end.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Dumfounded, To fill with astonishment and perplexity; confound.
19. Confound [ God confound ] it [ you ] !
20. You should not confound right and wrong and incriminate me, please try to understand the context first.
21. "That is to confound you, you blithering old sentimentalist, " he cried, shaking with laughter.
22. The author deliberately breaks the narrative continuity in order to confound the reader's expectations.
23. He did not start off as a rebel seeking out Peripatetics to confound.
24. Our aim was not to win every battle, but to confound the enemies and make them paranoid after every encounter.
25. He has utilized the pictorial logic of the photograph to confound rather than to clarify space.
26. He was to preach the doctrines, and I was to confound all opponents.
27. With more than three months to polling day, there may still be time for the president's party to confound the doomsayers.
28. "God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise" (I Corinthians 1:27).
29. Paper institute character, be not people place desire character, confound right and wrong, and white confuse.
30. The 3, 000 lives killed heinously, and his mis-reading of Islam confound Shia and Sunni.
More similar words: confoundedfoundconformfoundedfounderprofounddumbfoundconformingfoundationdumbfoundedfounding fatherfoundation stoneround and roundundergroundon footfountainboundpoundhoundroundsoundwoundaroundgroundconfuseconferboundedsound offexpoundround off
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