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Conditioner in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+1Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: air conditionerconditionconditionsconditionalconditioningpreconditionedunconditionalunconditionallyMeaning: [-nə]  n. 1. exercise that conditions the body 2. a trainer of athletes 3. a substance used in washing (clothing or hair) to make things softer. 
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91. Vanward Group Co Ltd - gas water heater gas stove gasgasgas air - conditioner , electric water heater sterilizer , cooker hood.
92. Describes the structure and principle of new type of direct evaporative cooling air conditioner.
93. It may be the air conditioner. I'll tell the maintenance department. They'll check it for you.
94. To improve the serious alkali soils in western Jilin province, the effect of the soil conditioner CLS on serious alkali soils was studied by field experiment.
95. Central air conditioner, band and telephones are equipped, and autos can go directly to upper floors.
96. Besides shampoo and conditioner, he uses toner, moisturiser, essence, sun-block and foam cleanser, it said, noting that his basic pay is only 80, 000 won.
97. Can also be used as a conditioner for synthetic or leather chamois.
98. He's going to install an air - conditioner in the house.
99. The huge Tube Expander for Heat Exchanger of Air Conditioner and Refrigeration System are developed first by our institute after studying for a long time.
100. Turn on the air conditioner -- I'm baking in here.
101. Heat pipe ejective air conditioner is a new no pump system, which can use solar energy and other low-grade heat sources.
101. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102. The scented hair oil used by ancient women is like conditioner today.
103. There is no effective way to insulate a window air conditioner.
104. Perfectly sized for travel or the gym. Our travel kit includes Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Shower Gel, Essential Mist and Lip Balm.
105. Note: All prices already include first registration tax, air - conditioner, security system, audio system, warranty and proofing.
106. Experiment is studied on the start and run of air conditioner cooling system in view of capillary, thermal expansion valve, thermoelectricity expansion valve.
107. The effect of the soil conditioner MDM on ameliorating the meadow alkali soil was investigated by pot culture and field experiment.
108. She preferred sleeping at her own apartment, where she could use her own shampoo, conditioner, and loofah, and where it was "clean-sheet day" every Thursday.
109. Transparent hair shampoo was prepared using poly siloxane quaternary ammonium salt microemulsion as a conditioner.
110. It is a high - class train with air conditioner and soft seat.
111. Soybean conditioner is an equipment which combines soybean drier to conditioner with indirect steam heating.
112. The application of bending pin mechanism for sequential demolding is effective for the stripping of hooked zone in the outshot part of the air conditioner current divider.
113. There is a small closet,( a new trash bin and an air - conditioner.
114. The architecture and functions of a test and diagnostic system for CPU board of air conditioner are introduced, and the operation theory of this system is analyzed.
115. How much extra is it to have an air conditioner installed?
116. Numerical simulation of rolling process of an automobile air conditioner V -belt pulley has been studied by use of DEFORM software.
117. Oh, the control board for the air conditioner is right on the wall by the light swith .
118. Clip - gage excitation was supplied by a commercially available power supply ( signal conditioner ).
119. The analysis result is that the space between reheating and cooling coil pipes in air conditioner used in cleaning room in pharmaceutical plant is excessive small.
120. During my summer vair conditioner I was employed in the air conditionercounting depcreative artment of a Chemicing Company.
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