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Condensate in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2017-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: condensationcondensecondensingcondensed milkinsensatecompensatecompensatedcompensate forMeaning: n. atmospheric moisture that has condensed because of cold. 
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1. On the liquids front condensate is being produced at the Kapuni on-shore gas field.
2. Objective:To observe mutagenicity of siritch vapor condensate(SVC)in mice.
3. Condensate will leave marks on the preform surface.
4. The color glass condensate can'shatter " in a collision.
5. It was demonstrated that condensate depression and nucleation rate increase with increasing cooling velocity and intracrystalline nucleation is main nucleation form of the new phase.
6. The micro-meteorological conditions are advantageous for forming soil condensate in arid and semiarid regions in north China.
7. When the water level of condensate in the drain sump drops, the cup to shut the admission pipe falls down, the passage for steam to enter into the valve body is opened.
8. A new calculation method of formation retrograde condensate oil saturation has been established.
9. This paper, based on condensate gas reservoir characteristics, presents a method for determining the law of condensate distribution and predicting condensate gas well's optimum output.
10. The mechanism of the formation of initial condensate droplets for dropwise condensation is still not clear.
11. Abounding in gas and condensate, the Banqiao region of Dagang oil field is a typic condensate reservoirs.
12. The Yingmai 7-19 is a condensate gas reservoir with edge water and oil ring which was developed by a set of failure well pattern.
13. The passage does some research about condensate pump in Datong power generation. Through looking up references and study on the spot, it analyses the running status and the problems.
14. Objective: To probe the effects of siritch vapor condensate(SVC) on lipid peroxidation and of SOD-Se-enriched fruits of Lycium Barbarum L on anti-peroxidation in mice.
15. In this paper, the influences of these factors on the optimum vacuum are analyzed firstly, and the calculation method of condensate subcooling degree and the dissolved oxygen in condensate are given.
16. It is important for the highly economic and effective development of a gas condensate reservoir to understand the banking characteristics and mechanism of the condensate correctly.
17. The natural gas produced from Yulin gas field contains slight amount gas condensate.
18. Two Pipe - One for steam supply and one for condensate return.
19. The proposed furnacelygas one is provided firstly from the engineering point of view which cannot use the product of fast pyrolysis of gas condensate.
20. China is divided into the habit of natural gas gas gas(, associated gas and gas condensate in three.
21. In the production of nitrophosphates by the mixed acid process the main components of the acidulation tail gas are nitrogen oxides, and the steam condensate from evaporation contains ammonia.
22. The nuclear pair correlations can be viewed in terms of condensate of pair quanta.
23. The research program takes the surface engineering of Yaha gas condensate field as the key object.
24. The research is worthwhile for the evaluation of anion resin kinetic behaviors for condensate polishing as well as the operation of condensate polisher.
25. The suspensibility to seed clothing agent in compound system of naphthalene sulfonate condensate and nonionic surfactant was studied.
26. Large power industries are looking for good ways to save energy and reduce emission; they pay more attention to the control of frequency conversion of condensate pump, and promote its usage.
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27. Big crror may occur in using the productivity analysis of single - phase gas well for condensate well.
28. Base on energy saving, this paper analyzed the main problems for condensate pump of power plant at present, and summarized the ways and measures of condensate pump energy saving optimizing.
29. The sprayer shall be spring controlled spray valves (variable flow area) which ensures fine atomisation of condensate at all loads.
30. The vapor from the upper container is condensed, the condensate is collected and its volume measured.
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