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Civic in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+6Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: civilSimilar words: civilciviliancivil rightsvictimdeviceserviceconvictconvictionMeaning: ['sɪvɪk]  adj. 1. of or relating or belonging to a city 2. of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals. 
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151, In 1945 there was immense confidence in the civic and administrative institutions of government.
152, But he had let it become so obvious that the civic leaders were complaining.
153, Some were keen to shunt popular participation into the civic training ground of local government.
154, The rules allow the use of school facilities for social, civic, and recreational purposes but not for religious purposes.
155, In addition, Grills said, no civic leaders were asked about their faith.
156, Reggie Cleveland told mourners at the memorial in the Cheyenne Civic Center.
157, Even more striking is the evidence that among workers, longer hours are linked to more civic engagement.
158, Harlow Council has always been generous with civic funding for music and the arts.
159, The extra space was to have been created when two floors of courtrooms were relocated to another new Civic Center building.
160, There was no sense of responsibility, civic pride, or love of work.
161, It is, he says, a place for the civic interaction of the 21st century.
162, Beginning Friday, the Civic will co-star in a new science-fiction thriller about genetic engineering, called Gattaca.
163, The mayor and civic dignitaries met us in a blaze of colour at Bow Bridge with the usual greetings and pleasantries.
164, Soon after the brouhaha, San Diegans' civic self-respect could soar.
165, We would soon enough forget the greater crowding in the barracks necessitated by this civic improvement.
166, Tickets can be bought on board or from the civic centre.
167, Two Civic Patrol officers will work with the community to combat litter and graffiti.
168, At home, political involvement was always considered a righteous thing, a civic thing[], a good thing.
169, At the Civic Theatre, despite a lower number of performances last year, attendance has gone up from 112,000 to 113,000.
170, Jayawardene had Mrs Bandaranaike's civic rights suspended for seven years, for abuse of power.
171, the upgradation of civic facilities in large cities.
172, It prepares students to meet civic and social responsibilities.
173, I hope I'm not offending your civic pride.
174, They deprived him of his civic rights.
175, He enjoyed civic meetings and social events equally.
176, Different gender emerging class's "civic responsibility" has significant difference.
177, No. 67 passes by the civic center.
178, No.67 passes by civic center downtown.
179, It's our civic duty to plant trees.
180, It's a civic pride to have a champion.
More similar words: civilciviliancivil rightsvictimdeviceserviceconvictconvictiondividedivinesocial servicesactivistdivisionactivityoblivioussensitivityThanksgivingproductivitythe cost of living
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