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Civic in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+6Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: civilSimilar words: civilciviliancivil rightsvictimdeviceserviceconvictconvictionMeaning: ['sɪvɪk]  adj. 1. of or relating or belonging to a city 2. of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals. 
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181, The century which rebuilt Bath was not, after all, devoid of aesthetic sensibility nor ignorant of civic responsibility.
182, Similar altars were set up in train stations, temples and civic buildings around the country.
183, They would do well to remember Saturn's focus on karma, integrity, and civic responsibility.
184, Folks thought he should have been a civic leader. He could have been a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher. He might even have made congressman or governor.
185, Mixed rights emphasize the balance in protecting private benefit, social public benefic and national benefit, which reveals the interference of national civic rights.
186, "He's no stranger to the civic association, " Binghamton police chief Joe Zikuski told reporters.
187, Religion is very important to many Americans as part of civic culture, and to pretend that government is completely uninvolved is quite unrealistic.
188, Today, in the post- crisis era, the government need to continue to deepen fanner property rights reform, and take the civic society as a development goal to promote town and country to unity.
189, Because raw materials production and capacity the link exist safe hidden danger, the civic architecture concentrate of plus, set off the aperture clear lamp to kindle fire hazard very easily.
190, Just as Memphis cooks consider their ribs superior to ones barbecued in Kansas City, gong bao is a dish in which civic pride is never far from the plate.
191, Father of American civic education Horace Mann ever said, it's easy to establish republic, while it's difficult to build up citizens of republic.
192, This program helps support the things that were important to her: film and theater, women's rights, and civic responsibility.
193, Different levels of education in the emerging class lead to apparently different "civic responsibility".
194, Able to protect the civil rights case, highlighting the civic responsibility, to comply with the absolute imperative of moral rules, citizens "for their own legislation."
195, At one point in The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche speaks of something that he calls one's "civic identity", which he thinks of as threatened by the Dionysian experience.
196, Young people in America are instilled with a sense of civic responsibility from a young age.
197, The researchers say these changes raise questions about civic duty and public education.
198, The quake probably will become China's modern civic spirit of maturity and growing part of.
199, It also appealed to the Congolese people "to receive the results with the same spirit of civic responsibility."
200, Civic organizations spurred the hunt for the murderer by offering rewards totaling $ 8500.
201, The shallow seismic prospecting is one of indispensable important prospecting method to civic seismic micro zoning.
202, Capt. Talcott: A civic - minded, very respectable rock and roll star.
203, These civic advances came at a price already beginning to be evident before the Civil War.
204, The Prime Minister is backed by the civic movement,[ ] Public Against Violence.
205, Instead, he says, Ma can heal the divisions while reviving civic pride.
206, Caption: CIVIC DUTY : A Romanian woman finished voting in Baleni, Romania , Sunday in the European elections.
207, Julio Schlosser, general secretary of the Jewish social welfare organisation Amia, said Williamson's views "affects the civic harmony and the social peace that this country needs so much".
208, But he acknowledged some business and civic leaders were suspicious at first: "They seemed to think I wanted to turn the place into the People's Republic of Traverse City."
209, Sense of civic responsibility is an important part of citizens' qualities in modern citizenship, and is the core of civic education .
210, As a civic center, he chose to utilize a courtyard plan taken from the former tradition.
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