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Capillary in a sentence

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Sentence count:185Posted:2016-11-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: capillary tubecapillary tubingcapillary vesselhairlikeSimilar words: pillagecapitacapitalpillspillpillowcollarvillageMeaning: [kə'pɪlərɪ]  n. 1. a tube of small internal diameter; holds liquid by capillary action 2. any of the minute blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules. adj. 1. of or relating to hair 2. long and slender with a very small internal diameter. 
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151. Methods Effect of Asi antidiarrheal capsules was observed on abdominal capillary permeability in the mice after treated.
152. AVP could reinforce the permeability of capillary to water in injury areas, and made encephaledema become severe.
153. Main force for migration of separate phase natural gas is buoyancy, and resistance is capillary force.
154. METHOD: Headspace GC method was adopted for the determination with SE 30 capillary column and FID detector.
155. The exact mechanism of Yutin, or vitamin P as is sometimes called,[] on the capillary wall is not understood.
156. Tumour of blood capillary gnawing flesh, in fluctuation jaw is bitten forcibly when tightening swollen content apophysis, after loosening, disappear.
157. Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of solid particles - Capillary pyknometer, wide mouth pycnometer.
158. A simple and convenient electrochemical cell for capillary electrophoresis is described.
159. This micropump drafts the liquids into the inlet by the capillary force,( then ejects them based on the digital micro fluidic technology.
160. From the"treetop"to the"stem of tree", the structures were followed: the pulmonary alveolar capillary network, the postcapillary venule, the collecting venule and the venule.
161. Aqueous extract from T. ciliata with high concn. had the effects of significantly decreasing blood pressure, relaxing diameter of capillary, increasing blood velocity and blood flow.
162. Using HSS - 4 A and DB - FFAP wide bore capillary column wish 1 - butanol as internal standard.
163. Cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing agents have excellent waterproofing properties and second infiltration resistance.
164. The essential oil from the flowers of Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge was abstracted by steam-stilling and analyzed by capillary GC-MS method.
165. The network of alveolar capillary enlarged flatly and fused together as a dense sheetlike network.
166. In this paper, the contents of total flavone were determined in Tropaeolum majus by capillary electrochromatography.
167. A capillary gas chromatographic method ( GC ) was established for determining acetaniprid residues in Lonicera japonic.
168. In treatment group, the vacuoles in syncytiotrophoblast cell cytoplasms were reduced, the surface microvilli were increased and the endodermis cell organelles of the capillary were recovered.
169. Gas chromatographic analysis for thermal dimerization mixture of pyrolytic C5 fraction was carried out by using capillary column.
170. Rapid capillary proliferation is a prominent feature of all early wound healing.
171. Using the CBPTM-5 capillary column, the contents of various constituents in the industrial fluorene are determined.
172. Methods The anti-inflammatory and spasmolysis effects of rutin and quercetin were observed by the permeability of abdominal capillary by injecting glacial acetic acid.
173. A study on the characters of water retention, hydroconductibility, capillary rise and evaporation of calcic concretion black soil and their relationship with soil drought was carried out.
174. The stationary phase is coated on the wall of capillary, whereas the mobile phase moves through the column propelled by electroosmosis .
175. With CFT - 500 capillary rheometer, the rheological properties of fireproofing copolyester with phosphonium are studied.
176. A method for determinating the olefinic content in containing olefine gasoline by capillary gas chromatography has been established.
177. A rapid method for the simultaneous determination of diphenoxylate and atropine by capillary electrophoresis with high frequency conductivity detection was described.
178. The rheological property of polytrimethylene terephthalate ( PTT ) was studied with capillary rheometer.
179. It is verified that the key influence factor of spinnability is configuration of capillary hole.
180. The capillary density in interlobular tissue was higher than that of intralobular parenchyma.
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