Synonym: discovery, find. Similar words: break through, look through, through, go through, all through, throughout, get through, put through. Meaning: n. 1. a productive insight 2. making an important discovery 3. a penetration of a barrier such as an enemy's defense.
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1. Scientists are on the brink of a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
2. Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.
3. We have achieved a real breakthrough in the search for peace.
4. Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer.Sentencedict
5. The new cancer drug is a revolutionary breakthrough.
6. These results represent a major breakthrough in Aids research.
7. God willing, there will be a breakthrough.
8. This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough.
9. The crucial breakthrough came almost by accident.
10. A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved.
11. This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement.
12. This drug has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.
13. Scientists have made a major breakthrough in their fight against AIDS.
14. Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
15. Jo was only 19 when he got his breakthrough as a DJ.
16. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.
17. Surgeons have made a great breakthrough in the kidney transplantation.
18. The new deal represents a major breakthrough for the company.
19. Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.
20. This game is truly a technological breakthrough.
21. In the end(, General Sickles achieved his breakthrough.
22. Meanwhile the search goes on for a scientific breakthrough.
23. The potential for a real breakthrough is there.
24. This was a major breakthrough for the objectors.
25. So we can make a major breakthrough here.
26. If such materials became generally available to the optics industry the payoffs from such a breakthrough would be enormous.
27. They announced, amid much ballyhoo, that they had made a breakthrough.
28. Downing Street announced last night that peace talks with the IRA had lead to a breakthrough.
29. Scientists the world over have been waiting for this breakthrough.
30. With breast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon.
More similar words: break through, look through, through, go through, all through, throughout, get through, put through, cut through, run through, come through, fall through, pull through, pass through, carry through, follow through, break, break in, break up, break off, break out, outbreak, rough, break down, breakdown, break away, breakfast, break into, brought, roughly.