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Bolting in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2017-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: joltingmoltingrevoltingbolt of lightningmeltingpeltinghaltingtilting
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31. Flowering time and bolting time of Brassica crops were two important quantitative traits related to the commerciality.
32. Suitable reaping time is defined by investigating effect of 3 different times on agronomic traits, yield, bolting rate and soft rot rate of carrot seeded in spring.
33. Ron's jealousy expresses itself in a preadolescent bolting from the premises; he's missing but not missed.
34. The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to J.F.
35. But even if they do, the next step — adapting the cargo vessel so that it can carry people — will be a lot more complex than simply bolting in seats and pumping in oxygen.
36. Description is made on the principle and application result of the short group bolting of slushing roadways in loosened rock.
37. Breeding of A New Late - bolting Broad - leaf Spinach Hybrid' Dongxin 1'
38. Gland – two piece , self - aligning gland eliminates cocking. Swing out bolting facilitates maintenance.
39. The mechanical properties of high strength rock bolting materials, such as rock bolts, resin capsule, W-shaped strap and cable bolts are analysed.
40. Bolting mechanical properties are tested by the tensile strength tester, impact tester and hardness testers, to guarantee the detect precision.
41. Earlier bolting at the same year of transplanting is main limited factor of Angelica sinensis production, which was resulted from finished vernalization period.
42. Authors make use of JL—MG bolt integrity testing survey meter to have non—destructive test for Jingying highway bolting integrity according to stress wave principle.
43. The inherent characteristics of uncomplete bolting cultivars of subecotype 2 of Low Temperature Sensitivity Ecotype remained unchanged under all temperature and photoperiod treatment combinations.
44. The development and research of the bolter, and the improvement of the bolter properties, are the key factors to enhance the quality of the roof bolting support system.
45. The results of varietal comparative test show that leaf lettuce varieties, 9547 and 9542, are characterized by the strong growth, late bolting and high yield under the condition of high temperature.
46. Putting in lots of code to make software easier for newcomers would be like permanently bolting stabiliser wheels to all bicycles.
47. The clubroot harmed rape from seedling period and was most severe at bolting stage while the disease index and disease incidence reduced at silique mature period.
48. Any material deviations from standard - packing , gasket, bolting, etc.
49. Based on the field test of immature earthen sites reinforced with the wood anchor and PS serosity. The different PS serosity material had little influence to the bolting force of the wood anchor.
50. Late - bolting, white petiole good plant shape, good quality.
51. Lug Style valves cover the bolting the entire length of the body.
51. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
52. In particular, Ada programs will be "portable" from one computer to another, and engineers will be able to combine them as easily as bolting Meccano together.
53. The roof abscission layer is the biggest security hidden danger in bolting support tunnel.
54. During GA 3 enhancing bolting, peroxidase ( POD ), catalase ( CAT ) , AMY, EST, ATP and protein contents changed correspondingly.
55. The VCC aims to promote safe bolting and environmentally sound practices.
56. Growth Trend of Blade and Characteristic of Tillering and Bolting in Chinese Chives Allium tuberosum Rottl.
57. Usually there are 12 categories which are bolt , stud, screw, nut , self tapping screw, wood screw, gasket, retainer ring, pin, composite member, bolting, and soldering lamp.
58. Objective: Seeking chemical ways of controlling the earlier bolting of Chinese Angelica ( CA ).
59. Vigorous growth, erect phyllome with tough petioles, tolerance to shipping, bolting resistance, suitable for summer cultivation in cool area, about 30 days from sowing to harvesting.
60. In the pilot-scale study on treatment of municipal wastewater, steel wire netting and bolting cloth were respectively served as supporting materials of self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactor.
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