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Bloc in a sentence

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Sentence count:142+5Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: axisSimilar words: blockblockedblockadeblockageblockadedblockbusterlockflockMeaning: [blɒk]  n. a group of countries in special alliance. 
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(91) He said his country would not associate itself with any power bloc.
(92) or with Che Guevara, who by many accounts broke with him over his decision to lead Cuba into the Soviet bloc.
(93) When asked about a possible Greek exit from the common currency bloc, Draghi said such an option was not in the treaty.
(94) More broadly, he said it was a "crazy proposition" to even talk about a possible break up of the 17-nation currency bloc because European leaders were fully committed to making the euro area work.
(95) The developing - country bloc has coalesced in stages since 1964.
(96) These could become the basis of a pan-Asian trade bloc, reckons Kiat Sittheeamorn, Thailand's chief trade negotiator.
(96) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(97) All economic and technological aid to the Communist Bloc , including the PLO, will be terminated immediately.
(98) Shortly after the Cold War, many of the newly independent Eastern Bloc states began to experience the pains of a currency fluctuation, and moving towards a market-based economy.
(99) Restarting peace efforts In the recent Israeli election, Netanyahu's Likud Party emerged as the largest bloc in parliament.
(100) Mono - polarity and Multipolarity: Is NATO still a Monolithic Bloc?
(101) In Uruguay Tuesday, after a Mercosur trade bloc meeting, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he would be having lunch with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Havana today. Mr.
(102) We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc.
(103) All these were happened with conflicts and amalgamations between Guan - long bloc and Shantung literati.
(104) A bloc is a group of countries within a same geographical region or holding similar country positions on a particular topic.
(105) Median estimates from the poll showed growth in the common European currency bloc is expected to stay between 0.3 percent and 0.5 percent in each quarter to the first half of 2012.
(106) But others, most obviously the US and European "gold bloc" countries, were sharply constrained in their ability to adjust their currencies.
(107) Eastern - bloc nations are well - documented conduits of technology to the Soviet Union.
(108) This will boost China's internal market as well as trade with its Asian neighbors, and will spur the development of an Asian economic bloc.
(109) Methods:The celiac artery was ligated at its start point, and distal pancreas and involved arteries were resected en bloc.
(110) The appearance of various finance manage bloc will become an essential mark that Chinese finance change from individual management to compand management.
(111) This is totally dysfunctional, and highlights the challenges faced by the currency bloc as it tries to weather out this crisis.
(112) Dollar bloc countries have slavishly mimicked expansionary US monetary policy, even in regions such as the Middle East, where rapid growth is putting huge upward pressure on inflation.
(113) Goran supporter, parliament member Sirwan Zahawi, said his bloc "could win up to 35 seats" in the 111 seat Kurdish parliament.
(114) Shortly before she began speaking, French Finance Minister Francois Baroin told a conference in Paris that it was the ECB's responsibility to sustain activity in the currency bloc.
(115) Finally, as Iraq's oil production gradually climbs, it will face additional pressure from OPEC (Iraq is currently a nonvoting member of the bloc) to adhere to quotas.
(116) Therefore, vigorous efforts should be made to strengthen the role of disarmament bodies of the United Nations so that multilateral treaties may gradually replace bloc arrangements.
(117) Warsaw was also offered pledges of solidarity by the rest of the bloc in the event of future energy crises.
(118) To be sure, lumping the fast-growing group into one bloc has helped Latinos emerge as a political force.
(119) With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China and India and the Middle East and the EU in this huge economic bloc.
(120) Objective. To evaluate the functional and oncological outcomes following en bloc tumor excision for sacral chordomas and chondrosarcomas.
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