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Automated in a sentence

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Sentence count:229+1Posted:2017-06-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: automateautomaticautomatonautomationautomaticallyautomobileautomotivetomatoMeaning: ['ɔːtəmeɪt]  adj. operated by automation. 
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151. Automated threshold algorithm of second wavelet transform is used in extraction of partial discharge.
152. This restricted approach to the general problem of automated design has a number of pedagogical advantages.
153. Improved by combination with automated delivery equipment, they proved one leg of an effective anti-submarine arsenal in WWII.
154. Making an automated bending cell work is a matter of having an experienced press brake operator willing to make the automation work, according to Aronson.
155. We hope for some cost cuts after the installation of the new automated assembly line.
156. With the trimming of high precision, fast groove, performance, and reliable. Can work long hours. Marking the trimming process can be automated, convenient and reliable, integrated.
157. This computerization paved the way for services such as automated call forwarding and answering systems, which unintentionally but effectively bypassed standard wiretapping techniques.
158. This is particulary valuable if an automated GC procedure is used.
159. So it has limited computer's ability in automated analysis and processing in the information retrieval and further intellectualization information processing.
160. Decreasing the tuning time of the antenna is very important in intelligentized and automated short wave adaptive communication systems.
161. The system cannot perform automated dial because this entry has a custom dialer specified.
162. Objective:To discuss the reasons of false decreasing in platelet count by automated blood cell counter, to provide evidences on clinic diagnose and cure idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
163. Cell phones are exempt from automated telemarketing calls, but not from individuals calling.
164. A variety of problems arising in communication networks, computer networks, automated manufacturing plants, etc. , can be described by max-min system models.
165. The detachable plate and programmable automated test sequencing offer remote testing capability, allowing multiple tests without opening an enclosure to reset the instrument.
166. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting.
167. This paper designed system of dispatching automated and power flow analysis on power system.
168. Consider the use of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Most people know how to interact with these machines. They know what buttons to press and they know the outcome.
169. It shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the demand-driven automated test generation.
170. But almost all useful math is heavily automatable , so you might as well get some automated servants to help you with it.
171. Results When using UF-100 automated urinalysis analyzer, the false positive rate of cast is 7.3% and viscose rayon is main agent.
172. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic significance of automated biopsy gun for lung tumor.
173. Since the process is automated, direct labor costs are markedly reduced.
174. According to analysis of automated warehouse layout in enterprise, a section assignment policy named goods-location coupling was proposed based on general section assignment.
175. If the developer has access to automated code level unit tests, the developer can easily run them to make sure the changes don't break existing function.
176. Today, decision engines already form the basis of several types of powerful applications, including fraud detection, Web personalization, and automated loan approval applications.
177. There was significant daily variation difference between manual and automated observation, while there was no considerable geographical and seasonal variation.
178. Data was obtained in a continuous automated manner which greatly facilitated residual stress determination.
179. Hyphenated and automated apparatus are also appearing on the market more frequently.
180. The Selenium tests form a suite of automated browser integration tests.
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