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Aging in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+1Posted:2017-04-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ragingmanagingencouragingdisparagingencouraginglymanaging editormanaging directordrag inMeaning: ['eɪdʒɪŋ]  n. 1. the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age 2. acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time. adj. growing old. 
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121. Like antioxidants, another fashionable anti - aging intervention, hormone replacement, has a plausible rationale.
122. Larger, coarser areas of calcification may be caused by aging or by a benign condition such as fibroadenoma, a common noncancerous tumor of the breast.
123. An onionskin -like structure of concentric dust shells surround a central, aging star. Twin beams of light radiate from the star and illuminate the usually invisible dust.
124. This Pinot Grigio exudes aromas of apricot, peach, pear and mandarin fruit with creamy vanilla bean character from lees aging.
125. The company is zeroing in on skin care products,(Sentencedict) which plays to the aging population.
126. To go one step further, the Singapore Government extend the lifespan of the public buses, SBS decided to refurbish and fitted air-con. unit on the aging conventional single-decker.
127. What he desired most, as an aging man and precarious actor, was respect rather than admiration.
128. Iron plays a very important part in the reactions in our cells that produce damaging free radicals, which glom onto cell membranes and DNA, and may translate into aging the cell.
129. Hernias can develop at these or other areas due to heavy strain on the abdominal wall, aging, injury, an old incision or a weakness present from birth.
130. Transformers are expensive facilities in the electric power system; insulation aging, however, leads to the end of transformer service life.
131. This variety typically produces rich deeply pigmented wines with spicy, raspberry-scented aromas, hints of coffee and bittersweet chocolate, good aging potential, and little 'native' character.
132. AIM: To study the correlation between phasic change of the relative quantity of major crystallins with aging in rats.
133. Look, the rock is aging in silence so that its surface looks likes a weather-beaten elder.
134. The external cause includes unfitting culture conditions, strain aging, unsuitable preservation and infection virus of asexuality propagation.
135. Starting from the special adhesive property for plastic cooling fillers used in cooling tower, this article discussed and studied the composition and main adhesion and property of damp and heat aging.
136. Americans find it difficult to think about old age until they are propelled into the midst of it by their own aging and that of relatives and friends .
137. The sick rate of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and the data of arteriorenal resist index among fatty liver patients increased with aging.
138. BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging.
139. Resentment is a ball and chain; forgiveness sets you free again. Forgiveness offers you insurance against premature aging, a blocked heart, an unhealed past and an unhappy future.
140. How the luffa water acted for skin's moisturizer, whitening, diminishing inflammation, resisting aging and wrinkles were introduced.
141. Conclusions There is already early pathological feature of glomerulosclerosis in the glomeruli of normal aging kidneys.
142. Objective:To observe the effect of oral androgenic preparation on erectile function and sex hormones of partial androgen deficiency in aging men (PADAM).
143. This article emphasizes the possible countermeasures on the basis of analysis of the influence of population aging on Chinese future old-age insurance system.
144. With excellent dirt removability, to strengthen cohesive force of the primer and finish paint, reduce reworking of paint, prolong the aging of surface paint.
145. Evaporate aging kind of sweet grass : Have those who fight excitement with composed effect.
146. Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to boost antioxidant power and prevent or slow signs of aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation.
147. The transformable relationships among states of aging, maintenance and replacement are intensively inquired into under certain conditions.
148. The appraisal result proved that, in the all kinds of aging treatment method about casts iron on engine bed, the vibration is the only green one.
149. Deep sweep, the geniality fuses the aging horniness, making skin delicate and lustrous.
150. It is indicated that the ordered do mains grow continuously during aging. The antiphase boundaries are isotropic.
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