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Aging in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+1Posted:2017-04-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ragingmanagingencouragingdisparagingencouraginglymanaging editormanaging directordrag inMeaning: ['eɪdʒɪŋ]  n. 1. the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age 2. acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time. adj. growing old. 
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151. It is important for students in schools to lay a good foundation for training and self-learning ability, but not to open too many professional courses and educate the aging, ready-made knowledge.
152. The results showed that liquor stored in open-air pottery demijohn could shorten aging time and improve liquor quality.
153. The 12 - year - old suffers aging disease progeria condition that affects one in eight million people.
154. The study is reported in the January 2005 Neurobiology of Aging.
155. Can provide users with artificial aging, high - temperature graphite annealing, such as hardening heat treatment process.
155. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
156. To modern women depend on a cosmetics to decelerate aging progress is absurd.
157. Based on the insulation aging theories in recent years, the method combining statistic overvoltage parameters with operational records is proposed to estimate the residual life of insulation.
158. Want to enjoy lifelong brain health The following behaviors are pulled from existing research on aging from the biological, psychological, social, and gerontological sciences.
159. Some pyramidal neurons in stratum pyramidale of sector CA1 showed a series of morphological changes with aging under electron microscope.
160. Through alteration on some aging flower bed , choose new breed to improve original virescence level cooperating with peripheral environment.
161. This research used the seed vigor index under the artificial accelerated aging test as the standard of seed vigor evaluation.
162. "A lot of people think foot pain is part of the aging process and accept it and function and walk with pain, " said Dr. Andrew Shapiro, a podiatrist in Valley Stream, N.Y.
163. Come to the aging of the rice wine and the most effective way to reduce the altar wine warehouse rate of rancidity.
164. This paper describes the functions, hardware configuration, software and working principle of aging test system of DS6 computer interlocking system interface board.
165. And the study is done on enzyme immobilization additivity used in artificial curing and natural aging.
166. As part of the longitudinal Rush Memory and Aging Project, researchers evaluated the spectrum of neuropathology found in the brains of 141 older adults, with and without clinically evident dementia.
167. If humans possess a similar checkpoint system and if researchers could someday harness it, they could fine-tune the rate of cellular division to control tumor development as well as tissue aging.
168. Special formula for the rubber wheel, antifriction, aging resistance and high temperature resistance.
169. Conclusions DHDB can upregulate monoamine neurotransmitter levels in the brain tissue of aging model rats and plays an important role in improving cerebral function.
170. However, the original feed control system of the extruder is obvious aging, out-of date and time-consuming in feeding.
171. With an increase of age, the expression of ABAD was increased. Conclusions ABAD may take part in the aging of inner ears, and it may have some relation to presbycusis.
172. Enrichment and sedimentation are the principal contributor to the aging process of lakes.
173. The special rubber wheel is of exclusive formula, antifriction, aging resistance, and high temperature resistance.
174. To enhance brain health and to keep a sound mind in a sound body has emerged as a major concern in the coming of an aging society.
175. It has good endurance against grinding, aging and good airproof performance.
176. CONCLUSION: Aging influences spermatogenesis in testes and sperm maturation in epididymides.
177. S. energy imports. The country's oil production has been increasing since 1999, as new oil sands and offshore projects have come on-stream to replace aging fields in the western provinces.
178. The oven has reasonable structure, prevents short circuit caused by the contact of the oven body and an outgoing line of a fixture on an aging rack and has good work effect.
179. You look down and see aging, illness, and death coming up the pole, in pursuit.
180. Maecenas had become a sick man, aging rapidly, though in 17 he was still sufficiently buoyant to mock Agrippa because the latter lacked a pedigree.
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