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Islamic in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+1Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: IslamslamislanddynamiclaminateddynamicslegislatorlegislativeMeaning: [ɪz'læmɪk]  adj. of or relating to or supporting Islamism. 
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241 Controversially, the Pakistani government has acceded to the militants'demand for Islamic law in Swat.
242 According to the Islamic doctrine, sanctitude is an invisible existence.
243 The assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 by an Islamic extremist led to a crackdown and the banning of Islamic political parties across the Arab world.
244 According to Russian Federal Security Bureau Investigation Bureau speculated, is suspected of planning terrorist attacks 22-year-old Kabardino - Balkar Republic Islamic Hamm Jef residents.
245 The Black Book might be the most complicated and fantastic novel of Orhan Pamuk s works, much of which concerns Sufism, an Islamic philosophy of mysticism.
246 Other Palestinian groups such as the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mediate between the two sides to stop the clashes.
247 Jemaah Islamiyah means simply "Islamic Group" and the organization's ideological roots stretch back to Indonesian independence at the end of World War II.
248 More political instability would likely embolden Islamic militants to try to expand.
249 The Islamic Republic of Iran is a true revolutionary power. Its central theme has been its relentless attacks, in words and deeds, on the international system.
250 Qadhdhafi thoughts includes: Islamic directive principle, equalitarian principle and foreign policy of Pan-Arabia, Pan-Islam.
251 A deadly car bombing at the United Nations building in Abuja has brought more attention to an Islamic group.
251 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
252 Twelve simple drawings in a Danish newspaper have caused anger and mayhem around the Islamic world.
253 Arab States with distinctive Islamic characteristics are important ingredients of Asia - African Nations.
254 As a Syrian, he has been learning Islam directly from the Grand Mufti (National Islamic Leader and Consultant) of Syria since the age of 4.
255 And if we work with Muslim communities, we must understand that Islamic law, known as Sharia, prohibits the acceptance or payment of interest fees on loans.
256 Hearts turn to mourning in the Islamic month of Muharram.
257 But they say they take the group's claim at face value and see it as another example of the "twisted ideology" of the militant Islamic group.
258 Cumber, a Pakistani-born Muslim who is chief executive of the Austin-based mobile imaging company SozoTek, will work to improve the U.S. image within the 57-nation Islamic group, the White House said.
259 A terrorist underworld - including groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Jaish-i-Mohammed - operates in remote jungles and deserts, and hides in the centers of large cities.
260 After more than a year of political struggle between different groups, an Islamic republic was established under the Ayatollah Khomeini by popular vote.
261 Chief Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya told the court earlier this week the AK Party posed a "clear and present danger" that it was seeking to impose Islamic law on the country.
262 Kiosk Originally , in Islamic architecture , an open circular pavilion consisting of a roof supported by pillars.
263 He is an ideologue who believes Kashmir should be an Islamic state within a theocratic Pakistan.
264 At its sternest, Islamic law prescribes the death penalty for anybody who commits “apostasy”—or abandons the faith.
265 That is to say, they grew in a season which in most of the Islamic world had been a dead season for agriculture: a time when there was no rainfall and during which the land was left to rest.
266 Now it is trying to kick-start ideas like making Hong Kong an Islamic finance center, a hub for the wine trade, and subsidizing a cruise ship terminal.
267 During the first century of Islamic rule in Jerusalem, the Omayyad Dynasty ruled in the country.
268 The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Milf) said the plan was "unacceptable" and would not give the southern region of Mindanao enough autonomy.
269 While Gaddafi publicly denounced the payment of interest, he did not support the development of Islamic banking in the country, analysts said.
270 This paper aims at analyzing the relationship between the Arabian writing system and Islamic culture from the perspective of the historical linguistics.
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