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Wore in a sentence

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Sentence count:286+97Posted:2017-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sworeforewordwordworkwormwornworksoutworn
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121, Jenni wore her hair in plaits.
122, All the wedding guests wore sprays of carnations.
123, He wore his hat at a rakish angle.
124, They wore their hair braided in long pigtails.
125, She wore a string of beads round her neck.
126, Alexander wore black for the rite.
127, His face wore a glazed, faraway expression.
128, The minister wore a confident smile throughout the interview.
129, Ella wore a bow in her hair.
130, She wore a shawl about her shoulders.
131, She wore a string of pearls at her throat.
132, She wore a scarf loosely knotted around her neck.
133, My mum was cool about whatever I wore.
134, He wore his cap at a rakish angle.
135, Her face wore a grim, set look.
136, She wore her hair in a tight bun.
137, She wore her hair in a bun.
138, People wore historical costumes for the parade.
139, She wore a large pink boa around her neck.
140, She wore a beautiful silk shawl around her shoulders.
140, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
141, The tweed jacket she wore had seen better days.
142, She wore a plain brown dress.
143, She wore her long hair loose on her shoulders.
144, He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers.
145, He wore a woolen vest beneath his shirt.
146, Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses.
147, He wore a hat, gloves and an overcoat.
148, She wore a large jacket over her sweater.
149, He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist.
150, She wore a quilted satin jacket.
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