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Versatile in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+4Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adaptableall-aroundcapablecompetentmany-sidedskilledtalentedSimilar words: conversationconversationalersatzreversaluniversalvice versaadversaryanniversaryMeaning: ['vɜrsətl /'vɜːsətaɪl]  adj. 1. having great diversity or variety 2. changeable or inconstant 3. competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another 4. able to move freely in all directions. 
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151. Ene reaction is one of the simple and versatile reactions in organic synthesis.
152. In this article, you learned how to create a very versatile OBEX client application.
153. By using the object-oriented representation of data source and building the generic fault model, the system is extendable and versatile.
154. A versatile multichannel file format and sampling rate conversion tool of utmost sonic quality and unprecedented conversion speed.
155. The experiments were carried on a self-made microcomputer-based versatile spectrofluorimeter .
156. Over time it became apparent that a central player in myotonic dystrophy was RNA, a versatile molecule that is very similar to DNA.
157. As a versatile example, the feasibility of this scheme applied to lutetium isotopic analysis by Laser Resonance ionization Spectrometry was discussed.
158. FluoroFlex is highly versatile and suitable for broad usage in aerospace, computer and medical electronics.
159. Unlike many other orange vegetables rich in beta-carotene, carrots are versatile in both their raw and cooked states.
160. The Model 22 Pneumatic Computing Relay is a highly versatile control valve designed to perform a number of specialized functions, including averaging, differential, inverting, and totalizing.
161. The Great Wall Debit Card is a versatile card that links a lot of businesses together.
162. In this regard, the ancient art of paper folding has become such a versatile tool that it can be used in many ways in many logos.
163. The versatile data - processing system is an on - line computer.
164. VIA is a versatile, BPA-Free, space saving storage system designed to grow with your baby.
165. The most versatile data - processing system is an on - line computer .
166. Owing to the versatile application of pentaerythritol derivatives to organic synthesis, a lot of organic synthesis methods are able to be used in preparation of the new kind of glycoconjugate.
167. Flounce about in a versatile style that goes right from beach towel to town.
168. Oxo ketene dithioacetals 1 are a kind of versatile intermediates in organic synthesis.
169. Pureed pumpkin is versatile and can be mixed into a variety of foods, such as chili, mashed potatoes, spaghetti sauce, oatmeal and applesauce .
170. He was the Beatles' most versatile singer and not just as a balladeer.
171. Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today introduced the industry's first pulse function arbitrary noise generator, which provides superior signal quality combined with versatile waveforms.
172. QUAL2Kw for supporting the Branch-like stream is a one-dimensional, co-mprehensie and versatile stream water quality model, is widely used in river water quality planning and management.
173. The Great Pyrenees is a very versatile breed, making it a great companion, watch dog or livestock guardian animal, provided it receives appropriate training and socialization.
174. The research shows that the versatile occurrence of organic sulfur are determined by the pre coal material, sedimentary environment, and catagenesis.
175. A soft, black, versatile thermoplastic vulcanizate in the thermoplastic elastomer family.
176. Templated electrosynthesis is a simple and versatile method that has been widely used to form nano-materials in materials science.
177. Zinfandel is a very versatile wine grape, which has led to various wine styles.
178. Plus, the adjustable strap easily converts from shoulder bag to cross body bag for comfortable and versatile carrying.
178. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
179. This versatile unit is designed to mix and pump neat cement, bentonites, lightly sanded grouts and most commercial pre-blended non-shrink grout mixes.
180. Bright straw colour and refreshing aromas of pineapple , citrus and oaks, vanilla hints. Deliciously versatile.
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