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Versatile in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+4Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adaptableall-aroundcapablecompetentmany-sidedskilledtalentedSimilar words: conversationconversationalersatzreversaluniversalvice versaadversaryanniversaryMeaning: ['vɜrsətl /'vɜːsətaɪl]  adj. 1. having great diversity or variety 2. changeable or inconstant 3. competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another 4. able to move freely in all directions. 
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181. Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gynecology . Recent study shows the effect of motherwort herb is versatile.
182. Created to be fun, stylish and versatile, the sleekly modern YBR125 is affordable, economical and manufactured with quality components for day-in day-out reliability.
183. Both thermoforming and cold- forming of foil are routinely done on this new and highly versatile blister -pack line at contract packager Brecon Pharmaceuticals in Wales.
184. Laser printer is faster, quieter, and more versatile than other printers are.
185. The Assumption Swindle is one of the most ingenious and versatile principles in mentalism .
186. The RJCB bridge is an effective solution, and DTJCB gives you a versatile tool for implementing it.
187. Ene reaction is one of the simple and versatile reactions of organic synthesis in recent years.
188. "The Aboriginal culture across the top end of the Northern Territory was much more versatile and used to interacting with other people than previously thought, " Tacon said.
189. The Bactrack S30 Alcohol Breathalyzer features a versatile intake design, which allows quick use with or without replaceable hygienic mouthpieces.
190. Although ink-jet printer is also fast, quiet and versatile, and can usually print colorful picture etc... it can't produce the same excellent quality output as laser printer.
191. Original blue jeans: Evolving from rough-and-tumble work wear, these are now one of the most versatile pieces of clothing you can own.
192. Winston churchill has been almost as versatile as his English namesake.
193. Insincere answer could be more natural as the versatile golf player waves his arms at pleasure.
194. Remote sensing provides an easy and versatile tool to accurately estimate biochemical content information at different scales.
195. In industry, transition-metal oxides are used as versatile catalysts in many applications, however, for some processes their reactivity is too high and non-specific product formation occurs.
196. Echocardiography is a versatile tool which provides comprehensive information about cardiac structure and function. It is a primary non-invasive modality for investigation of heart transplantation.
197. Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry, equally able shooting their bows, or fighting with their swords.
198. These codes, together with a flexible rate adaptation algorithm, allowed for a highly versatile variable rate configuration of the physical layer that could easily meet the flexibility needs of 3G.
199. This versatile grape can be made into a semisweet wine emphasizing the fruity aromas, or, using oak aging, into a dry less fruity wine.
200. In this paper an abstract object oriented model for power network topology is put forward and a versatile and easily expandable representing method of power system topology is built up.
201. An insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally.
202. Stock your closet -- Start with the versatile basics, such as a pair of black pants, a dark pant suit, some button-down collared shirts and a classic pair of dark shoes.
203. These versatile laminates provide extremely high impact resistance and absorb total impact energy without spalling.
204. The common emitter configuration is by far the most versatile and widely used.
205. As a genetically encoded tag, green fluorescent protein(GFP) has served as a versatile tool in cell biology for studying gene expression, molecular locating, protein folding and trafficking.
206. Out of all the commando's the Mastermind is the most versatile.
207. Show off your love of fun patterns and uniquely fresh designs with this versatile cross body bag made of hand painted leather from the Abstract Twilight Collection.
208. Results The reasons of the rectovaginal fistula were versatile[], but the iatrogenic reasons occupied the most part in recent years.
209. Fragrance, long vase-life and wide color range make freesia a versatile floriculture crop. In cut flower market, the supply of freesia is unable to meet the demand.
210. Using genetic algorithms in the fundamental problem of eigenstructure assignment has advantages of versatile application and computable stability.
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