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1, Tears were trickling down her cheeks.
2, The engine was trickling oil.
3, Some donations are already trickling in.
4, People began trickling into the hall.
5, There was blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.
6, Oil was trickling from a tiny hole in the tank.
7, He ran home, blood trickling down his left cheek.
8, This was manifest destiny trickling south.
9, Gradually, the children came trickling back.
10, Last week the first kilowatts started trickling into the grid.
11, She felt too, as she mopped the trickling water from it, the smooth bronzed skin of the leg.
12, Tears were trickling down her cheek and falling on to the stale, dark bread, but she seemed not to notice.
13, The energy trickling through was her only comfort,(http://sentencedict.com/trickling.html) the knowledge that whatever happened would only be the pain of mortal flesh.
14, She opened her legs wider, feeling her juices trickling out on to his fingers.
15, In Kangwon Province, there were villages with trickling brooks and houses with fruit trees in the yard.
16, I put my hand in the water trickling down the rock and put it on to Zoe.
17, Patients have been trickling into the center at a rate of about one a week since it opened July 1.
18, His nephew was on the floor, blood trickling from his temple.
19, Aware of being outmanoeuvred she pauses, then gives in, clambering out, water trickling down, darkening the boards.
20, She brushed away the tear that she'd been totally unaware was slowly trickling down her face.
21, Even from where Beth stood, she could see the blood trickling down Cissie's arm.
22, His hands were clapped to his face, and almost at once blood began trickling through his fingers.
23, The buttresses of all grades are black and the gullies are trickling away into the valley streams.
24, Twenty-five years on, the claims for compensation for medical disability are still trickling in.
25, As they leaned against a red brick wall, a portly prison system official swabbed at the sweat trickling into his collar.
26, He had a cut on his forehead and blood was trickling down his face.
27, When Kalchu pulled it up again there was blood trickling from its nostril.
28, Yet there are still a smattering of pop ironists trickling sporadically, lip-first into the fray.
29, Coming out of our back door and making a frozen spread across the pith, came trickling water.
30, Yet private investment, a critical test of success, is only trickling in.
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