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Topic in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: issueplotpointproblemquestionsubjecttextthemeSimilar words: go to piecestropicalatopstopstop bynon-stopon top ofdevelopingMeaning: ['tɑpɪk /'tɒp-]  n. 1. the subject matter of a conversation or discussion 2. some situation or event that is thought about. 
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121. Cathy's conversation jumped wildly from one topic to another.
122. A topic like this resonates far and wide.
123. In many primary classrooms, teachers introduce a new topic by means of a discussion with the whole class.
124. But one can not be specific about the number of questions without knowing the nature of the project topic.
125. We had managed to avoid the insupportable topic of war.
126. The last topic discussed is the measurement error in the money stock data.
127. They laughed and joked, and sometimes when the topic of the war came up[], they became quiet.
128. The topic being debated was whether a doctor is mandated to stop life-sustaining treatment at the patient's request.
129. Unfortunately, Practically Speaking can not enter into personal correspondence on any topic - all correspondence must be conducted via Practically Speaking.
130. A considerable background literature exists on this topic but only recently has economic urgency again directed attention toward this method of conversion.
131. Topic work Certain common linking topics or themes may be chosen for humanities-driven work.
132. The first theme was, in different guises, consistently the main topic of debate for professionals.
133. The working group was formed in 1986 and during its working period several reports appeared on the same topic.
134. That such feedback is not enough to prevent many from smoking and abusing alcohol is another topic for another time.
135. In most cases, therefore, what is required is a good general grasp of the topic.
136. We suggest that such a characterisation can be developed in terms of a topic framework.
137. This is a good overview of the entire topic of economic development and democracy.
138. In treating such a philosophical topic, the underlying principles should have been expanded on, rather than just being described.
139. The project aims to find out why specifically closing a topic produces these two options.
140. Later in the evening, without any reference to the earlier talk, the conversation drifted towards the topic of race.
141. The Beveridge report brought the topic of full employment into public prominence.
142. The All-Star team is always a good topic for discussion around the water cooler or at the bar.
143. Full scale reform of official secrets legislation is still very much a topic of current debate.
144. Given the topic of this book, you might expect a bias in favor of finding behavior-driven performance challenges.
145. A separate section in this chapter is devoted to the topic of measurement itself.
146. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me. Dave Barry 
147. That explains the title of our FAQ on the topic.
148. They have been conducting a series of experiments and observations on the topic of nutrition.
149. The other hot topic at E3 this time was the new 3-D add-in cards for personal computers.
150. It was read with awe by generations of students who wondered how he succeeded in making such an interesting topic so boring.
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