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To my way of thinking in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2017-02-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: by way ofthinkrankingbankingthink ofthink outthink upfranking
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1. He hauled round to my way of thinking.
2. He hauled around to my way of thinking.
3. To my way of thinking, it would just be a massive waste of money.
4. To my way of thinking, they are making a serious mistake.
5. I brought him round to my way of thinking in the end.
6. To my way of thinking, the plan should never have been approved.
7. To my way of thinking, they shouldn't be building so many roads.
8. Well, to my way of thinking , they should have done that years ago.
9. The frigid lands, to my way of thinking, provide good support of the Catastrophe Theory of Earth's
10. The artist, to my way of thinking, is a monstrosity, something outside nature.
11. To my way of thinking, God is time.
12. I did not succeed in fetching him round to my way of thinking.
13. To my way of thinking, to do that would be dishonest.
14. With some difficulty I brought him to my way of thinking.
15. To my way of thinking [], Gemma just Arthur's of Arthur's common friend.
16. To my way of thinking, it is the lifeline of religion to abandon the doxy and credo, and to have dialogue filled with self-discipline and reason.
17. To my way of thinking, you behaved rudely before your mother.
18. I'll try to work him to my way of thinking.
19. Mother came around to my way of thinking, thus making life a lot easier.
20. Can I bring you round to my way of thinking?
21. To my way of thinking. he is the right person for the job.
22. To my way of thinking, it didn't seem as if it ought to be so terribly complicated.
23. I never could understand what she saw in him - a bit thin and weedy, to my way of thinking.
24. Both deserve my obedience , even if it becomes inconvenient to my way of thinking.
More similar words: by way ofthinkrankingbankingthink ofthink outthink upfrankingthink overthink aboutthink twiceliving thingthingnothinganythingsheathingclothingnothing butwrithingsomethinganything butbreathingplaythingfor one thingeverythingsomething ofbathing suitneck or nothingsomething elsesomething like
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