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The general public in a sentence

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Sentence count:130+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in generalpublicpubliclyrepublicin publicpublicityRepublicanpublication
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1. The general public remained totally ignorant of the danger.
2. The Centre is easily accessible to the general public.
3. The serum is available to the general public.
4. Downing Street has been off limits to the general public since 1982.
5. The general public is constantly exposed to radiation.
6. The exhibition is not open to the general public.
7. Is the library open to the general public?
8. Unemployment is 10 percent among the general public and about 40 percent among North African immigrants.
9. Too many government departments are unaccountable to the general public.
10. At that time,[] the general public was / were not aware of the health risks.
11. The general public has been greatly inconvenienced by this strike.
12. Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.
13. The meeting will be open to the general public .
14. We must get our message over to the general public.
15. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public.
16. This is a matter of great concern to the general public.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. The crime problem has great significance to the general public.
18. They are not responsible to the general public.
19. Convinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge, he took an active part in several educational activities.
20. I don't know if the general public has fully grasped just how undemocratic the present Labour leadership election rules are.
21. These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
22. The debate should ratchet up awareness of the problem among members of the general public.
23. His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public.
24. All relevant departments will co - operate to publicise this MPF system which affects the general public.
25. Research psychologists normalize the results of their studies by comparing their subjects' behaviour with that of the general public.
26. It's not motorists who give you the most stick, it's the general public.
27. She was appointed for her high moral standing with the general public.
28. I offer my observations as those of an interested and reasonably informed member of the general public.
29. The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.
30. Each is covered almost immediately and, so far as the general public is concerned, left virtually without trace.
More similar words: in generalpublicpubliclyrepublicin publicpublicityRepublicanpublicationgenerategeneration gappublisherpublishgenerousmineralfunerallegendgenegeneticenergylisteneroverallfederalafter allseveralliberalliterallyvulnerableallegedcollegeon the grounds of
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